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Writing (unit) tests is a crucial part of software development as it ensures that all the components of an application work as expected. This page covers how to test a typical Moleculer-based application.

Testing Frameworks

Please note that we use Jest for testing. However, you can also use any other testing framework that offers the same capabilities.

Common File Structure

The snippet presented bellow is a skeleton structure for writing unit tests for a Moleculer service.

const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
// Load service schema
const ServiceSchema = require("../../services/<SERVICE-NAME>.service");

describe("Test '<SERVICE-NAME>'", () => {
// Create a service broker
let broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: false });
// Create the actual service
let service = broker.createService(ServiceSchema);

// Start the broker. It will also init the service
beforeAll(() => broker.start());
// Gracefully stop the broker after all tests
afterAll(() => broker.stop());

/** Tests go here **/

To test the service two things are required: the ServiceBroker class and the schema of the service that is going to be tested. Next thing to do is to create an instance of ServiceBroker and, after that, create the actual instance of the service. Then Jest’s beforeAll() helper function is used to start the service broker and, after all tests are complete the broker is stopped with the afterAll().

With this setup in place we are ready to write the actual tests.

TIP: Disable the logs, by setting logger to false during broker creation, to avoid polluting the console.

Unit Tests



A typical (yet very simplistic) action looks like the one presented bellow:

// services/helper.service.js
module.exports = {
name: "helper",

actions: {
toUpperCase: {
// Add param validation
params: {
name: "string"
handler(ctx) {
// Emit an event


The toUpperCase action of helper service receives a parameter name as input and, as a result, returns the uppercase name. This action also emits an (name.uppercase) event every time it’s called. Moreover, the toUpperCase has some parameter validation, it only accepts name parameter if it’s a string. So for the toUpperCase action there are three things that could be tested: the output value that it produces, if it emits an event and the parameter validation.

Unit tests for the helper service actions

const { ServiceBroker, Context } = require("moleculer");
const { ValidationError } = require("moleculer").Errors;
// Load `helper` service schema
const HelperSchema = require("../../services/helper.service");

describe("Test 'helper' actions", () => {
let broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: false });
let service = broker.createService(HelperSchema);
beforeAll(() => broker.start());
afterAll(() => broker.stop());

describe("Test 'helper.toUpperCase' action", () => {
it("should return uppercase name", async () => {
// call the action
const result = await"helper.toUpperCase", {
name: "John"

// Check the result

it("should reject with a ValidationError", async () => {
try {
await"helper.toUpperCase", { name: 123 });
} catch (err) {
// Catch the error and see if it's a Validation Error

it("should emit 'name.uppercase' event ", async () => {
// Spy on context emit function
jest.spyOn(Context.prototype, "emit");

// Call the action
await"helper.toUpperCase", { name: "john" });

// Check if the "emit" was called

DB Adapters

Some actions persist the data that they receive. To test such actions it is necessary to mock the DB adapter. The example below shows how to do it:

const DbService = require("moleculer-db");

module.exports = {
name: "users",
// Load the DB Adapter
// It will add "adapter" property to the "users" service
mixins: [DbService],

actions: {
create: {
handler(ctx) {
// Use the "adapter" to store the data
return this.adapter.insert(ctx.params);

Unit tests for the users service actions with DB

const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
const UsersSchema = require("../../services/users.service");
const MailSchema = require("../../services/mail.service");

describe("Test 'users' service", () => {
let broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: false });
let usersService = broker.createService(UsersSchema);

// Create a mock insert function
const mockInsert = jest.fn(params =>
Promise.resolve({ id: 123, name: })

beforeAll(() => broker.start());
afterAll(() => broker.stop());

describe("Test 'users.create' action", () => {
it("should create new user", async () => {
// Replace adapter's insert with a mock
usersService.adapter.insert = mockInsert;

// Call the action
let result = await"users.create", { name: "John" });

// Check the result
expect(result).toEqual({ id: 123, name: "John" });
// Check if mock was called
expect(mockInsert).toBeCalledWith({ name: "John" });


Events are tricky to test as they are fire-and-forget, i.e., they don’t return any values. However, it is possible to test the “internal” behavior of an event. For this kind of tests the Service class implements a helper function called emitLocalEventHandler that allows to call the event handler directly.

module.exports = {
name: "helper",

events: {
async "helper.sum"(ctx) {
// Calls the sum method
return this.sum(ctx.params.a, ctx.params.b);

methods: {
sum(a, b) {
return a + b;

Unit tests for the helper service events

describe("Test 'helper' events", () => {
let broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: false });
let service = broker.createService(HelperSchema);
beforeAll(() => broker.start());
afterAll(() => broker.stop());

describe("Test 'helper.sum' event", () => {
it("should call the event handler", async () => {
// Mock the "sum" method
service.sum = jest.fn();

// Call the "helper.sum" handler
await service.emitLocalEventHandler("helper.sum", { a: 5, b: 5 });
// Check if "sum" method was called
expect(service.sum).toBeCalledWith(5, 5);

// Restore the "sum" method


Methods are private functions that are only available within the service scope. This means that it’s not possible to call them from other services or use the broker to do it. So to test a certain method we need to call it directly from the service instance that implements it.

module.exports = {
name: "helper",

methods: {
sum(a, b) {
return a + b;

Unit tests for the helper service methods

describe("Test 'helper' methods", () => {
let broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: false });
let service = broker.createService(HelperSchema);
beforeAll(() => broker.start());
afterAll(() => broker.stop());

describe("Test 'sum' method", () => {
it("should add two numbers", () => {
// Make a direct call of "sum" method
const result = service.sum(1, 2);


Local Variables

Just as methods, local variables are also only available within the service scope. This means that to test them we need to use the same strategy that is used in methods tests.

module.exports = {
name: "helper",

/** actions, events, methods **/

created() {
this.someValue = 123;

Unit tests for the helper service local variables

describe("Test 'helper' local variables", () => {
let broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: false });
let service = broker.createService(HelperSchema);
beforeAll(() => broker.start());
afterAll(() => broker.stop());

it("should init 'someValue'", () => {

Integration Tests

Integration tests involve testing two (or more) services to ensure that the interactions between them work properly.


Situations when one service depends on another one are very common. The example bellow shows that notify action of users service depends on the mail service. This means that to test the notify action we need to mock the send action of email service.

// users.service.js
module.exports = {
name: "users",

actions: {
notify: {
handler(ctx) {
// Depends on "mail" service
return"mail.send", { message: "Hi there!" });
// mail.service.js
module.exports = {
name: "mail",

actions: {
send: {
handler(ctx) {
// Send email...
return "Email Sent";

Integration tests for users service

const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
const UsersSchema = require("../../services/users.service");
const MailSchema = require("../../services/mail.service");

describe("Test 'users' service", () => {
let broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: false });
let usersService = broker.createService(UsersSchema);

// Create a mock of "send" action
const mockSend = jest.fn(() => Promise.resolve("Fake Mail Sent"));
// Replace "send" action with a mock in "mail" schema
MailSchema.actions.send = mockSend;
// Start the "mail" service
let mailService = broker.createService(MailSchema);

beforeAll(() => broker.start());
afterAll(() => broker.stop());

describe("Test 'users.notify' action", () => {
it("should notify the user", async () => {
let result = await"users.notify");

expect(result).toBe("Fake Mail Sent");
// Check if mock was called

API Gateway

The logic that our services implement is also usually available via API gateway. This means that we also need to write integration tests for the API gateway. The example bellows show to to it:

Testing Frameworks

Please note that for the API gateway tests we use supertest. Again, this is not mandatory and you can use any other tool that offers the same capabilities.

// api.service.js
const ApiGateway = require("moleculer-web");

module.exports = {
name: "api",
mixins: [ApiGateway],

settings: {
port: process.env.PORT || 3000,
routes: [
path: "/api",

whitelist: ["**"]
// users.service.js
module.exports = {
name: "users",

actions: {
status: {
// Make action callable via API gateway
rest: "/users/status",
handler(ctx) {
// Check the status...
return { status: "Active" };

API integration tests

process.env.PORT = 0; // Use random ports during tests

const request = require("supertest");
const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
// Load service schemas
const APISchema = require("../../services/api.service");
const UsersSchema = require("../../services/users.service");

describe("Test 'api' endpoints", () => {
let broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: false });
let usersService = broker.createService(UsersSchema);
let apiService = broker.createService(APISchema);

beforeAll(() => broker.start());
afterAll(() => broker.stop());

it("test '/api/users/status'", () => {
return request(apiService.server)
.then(res => {
expect(res.body).toEqual({ status: "Active" });

it("test '/api/unknown-route'", () => {
return request(apiService.server)
.then(res => {