Name | Description | Author | Version |
moleculer-web | Official API Gateway service. | icebob |
moleculer-apollo-server | Apollo GraphQL server for Moleculer. | icebob |
moleculer-sc | API Gateway using SocketCluster | tiaod |
moleculer-io | Socket.IO-based gateway | tiaod |
moleculer-socketio | Manage Socket.IO events like actions in services | davidroman0O |
hapi-moleculer | Hapi plugin for the Moleculer. | felipegcampos |
moleculer-grpc-api | gRPC server for Moleculer. | brunonunes |
moleculer-web-uws | A fast API gateway based on uWebSockets.js | jimmielovell |
Databases & stores
Metrics & Tracing
Name | Description | Author | Version |
moleculer-console-tracer | Console-based service | icebob |
moleculer-jaeger | Jaeger-based metrics service | icebob |
moleculer-prometheus | Prometheus-based metrics service | icebob |
moleculer-zipkin | Zipkin-based metrics service | icebob |
moleculer-elastic-apm | Elastic APM-based metrics service | intech |
moleculer-sentry | Sentry-based error logging | Hugome |
Name | Description | Author | Version |
moleculer-fake | Fake data generator by Fakerator | icebob |
moleculer-mail | Email service based on Nodemailer | icebob |
moleculer-twilio | SMS service based on Twilio API | icebob |
moleculer-slack | Send Messages to Slack API | icebob |
moleculer-elasticsearch | Elasticsearch service for Moleculer. | icebob |
moleculer-flydrive | Storage manager service with Node Flydrive. | molobala |
moleculer-markdown | Markdown to HTML Service | alsofronie |
moleculer-typetalk | Send Messages to Typetalk | is2ei |
moleculer-data-provider | React-Admin Data provider to interact with Moleculer Services APIs | RancaguaInnova |
Name | Description | Author | Version |
moleculer-protect-services | JWT protection for service actions | icebob | |
imicros-auth | Authentication, Authorization and ACL services | al66 |
moleculer-antivirus | Service for ClamAV Antivirus Scanning | designtesbrot |
moleculer-vault | Service for HashiCorp's Vault | designtesbrot |
oauth-moleculer | OAuth2 Service | zerocowl | |
moleculer-iam | Centralized IAM module for moleculer. | qmit-pro |
Name | Description | Author | Version |
imicros-flow | Service for loose coupled event handling | al66 |
serverless-moleculer | Serverless Framework handler for Moleculer | davidroman0O |
moleculer-state-machine | State Machine mixin that extends a Moleculer Service to act as a finite-state machine. | fugufish |
moleculer-minio | Service providing actions for managing buckets and objects in an AWS S3 or Minio powered backend | designtesbrot |
moleculer-aws-s3 | Service providing actions for managing buckets and objects in AWS S3 using the AWS S3 v3 JS client library | bitcomposer | |
moleculer-segment | Service for Segment | winoteam |
moleculer-sharp | A Moleculer Service for Image Manipulation using sharp | designtesbrot |
moleculer-cls | Hooked Continuation-Local Storage for Moleculer | cupsadarius |
moleculer-insee-sirene | Service for INSEE Sirene API. An API with info about all French companies | Hugome |
moleculer-http-client | HTTP client mixin that allows Moleculer services to communicate with remote REST APIs | AndreMaz |
moleculer-axios | Axios based HTTP client for Moleculer services | adam-mccormick |
moleculer-browser | Moleculer for the browser. | geut | |
moleculer-stripe | Service for Stripe | Hugome |
node-red-contrib-moleculer | Node Red client for Moleculer with events, emit, call, request and response support. | chameleonbr |
moleculer-pdf | A Puppeteer-based Moleculer service that generates PDF from HTML. | olivmonnier |
moleculer-discord | Discord Gateway for Moleculer.js framework. | byterain |
dns | DNS nameserver, DNS over HTTPS, DNS resolver | FLYBYME |
moleculer-i18n | Server side i18n support based on Polyglot | iujlaki |
moleculer-gql-client | Mixin that allows Moleculer services to perform GraphQL requests | kyleplump |
Tasks, queues & jobs
Name | Description | Author | Version |
moleculer-bee-queue | Task queue mixin for Bee-Queue | icebob |
moleculer-bull | Task queue mixin for Bull | icebob |
moleculer-faktory | Task queue mixin for Faktory | Hugome |
moleculer-cron | Moleculer mixin for node-cron | davidroman0O |
@r2d2bzh/moleculer-cron | Another moleculer mixin for node-cron | r2d2bzh |
moleculer-amqp-queue | Task queue mixin for AMQP | lehno |
moleculer-bullmq | Task queue mixin for BullMq | Hugome |
Name | Description | Author | Version |
fastest-validator | Moleculer's default validator is based on fastest-validator | icebob |
Joi | Joi based validator | icebob | |
moleculer-json-schema-validator | JSON Schema validator | zhaoyao91 |
ts-transformer-json-schema | Use Typescript Intefraces as validator. | ipetrovic11 |
moleculer-zod-validator | A validator that allows the use of Zod for type-safe validation and type inference. | TheAppleFreak |
Name | Description | Author | Version |
moleculer-repl | Interactive developer console. | icebob |
moleculer-cli | Command-Line Tool for development & testing. | icebob |
moleculer-decorators | ES7/TS decorators for Service declaration. | ColonelBundy |
moleculer-service-decorators | ES7/TS decorators for Service declaration. | rmccallum81 |
moleculer-ts | TypeScript service actions/events types generator. | Jarvify |
moleculer-service-ts | Typescript support for moleculer service actions and events. | bytetechnology |
moldock | A CLI tool to deconstruct moleculer projects into their own dependant projects, to be able to dockerize them individually. | amroessam |
fastest-validator-decorators | Typescript decorators for the fastest-validator library. | tobydeh |
moleculer-snippets | vscode extension for inserting moleculerjs code snippets | pavittarx | |
moleculer-auto-openapi | Auto generate OpenAPI (Swagger) scheme for Moleculer services. | grinat |
@spailybot/moleculer-auto-openapi | Generate OpenAPI 3.1 from Moleculer actions, auto-generated using Fastest Validator parameters. Granular configurations, cache system, fully typed, and more. | spailybot |
x.moleculer | Pure typescript solution to infer params and meta types in call and mcall | ebrahimmfadae | |
moleculer-plus | Service, validator, and api decorators for moleculer, enabling modern TypeScript syntax and features. | Ish |
Do you have a custom module for Moleculer? Tell us!