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REPL console

moleculer repl npm

The moleculer-repl is an interactive developer console for Moleculer.


npm i moleculer-repl


Switch broker to REPL mode

const broker = new ServiceBroker();

broker.start().then(() => {
// Switch to REPL mode

REPL Commands

actions [options] List of actions
bench [options] <action> [jsonParams] [meta] Benchmark service action
broadcast <eventName> Broadcast an event
broadcastLocal <eventName> Broadcast an event locally
cache Manage cache
call [options] <actionName> [jsonParams] [meta] Call an action
dcall [options] <nodeID> <actionName> [jsonParams] [meta] Direct call an action
clear [pattern] Clear cache entries
cls Clear console
destroy <serviceName> Destroy a local service
emit <eventName> Emit an event
env List of environment variables
events [options] List of event listeners
info Information about broker
listener Adds or removes event listeners
load <servicePath> Load a service from file
loadFolder <serviceFolder> [fileMask] Load all services from folder
metrics [options] List metrics
nodes [options] List of nodes
exit|q Exit application
services [options] List of services
help [command] display help for command

List nodes

mol $ nodes


-a, --all             list all (offline) nodes
-d, --details detailed list
-f, --filter <match> filter nodes (e.g.: 'node-*')
--raw print service registry to JSON
--save [filename] save service registry to a JSON file


Detailed output

List services

mol $ services


-a, --all             list all (offline) services
-d, --details print endpoints
-f, --filter <match> filter services (e.g.: 'user*')
-i, --skipinternal skip internal services
-l, --local only local services


Detailed output

List actions

mol $ actions


-a, --all             list all (offline) actions
-d, --details print endpoints
-f, --filter <match> filter actions (e.g.: 'users.*')
-i, --skipinternal skip internal actions
-l, --local only local actions


Detailed output

List events

mol $ events


-a, --all             list all (offline) event listeners
-d, --details print endpoints
-f, --filter <match> filter event listeners (e.g.: 'user.*')
-i, --skipinternal skip internal event listeners
-l, --local only local event listeners


Detailed output

Show common information

mol $ info


List environment variables

mol $ env

Call an action

mol $ call "test.hello"



--help               output usage information
--load [filename] Load params from file
--stream [filename] Send a file as stream
--save [filename] Save response to file

Call an action with parameters

mol $ call "math.add" --a 5 --b Bob --c --no-d --e.f "hello"

Params will be { a: 5, b: 'Bob', c: true, d: false, e: { f: 'hello' } }

Call an action with params, meta & options

mol $ call "math.add" --a 5 --#b Bob --$timeout 1

Params will be { a: 5 }, meta will be { b: 'Bob' } and options will be { timeout: 1 }.

Call with JSON string parameter

mol $ call "math.add" '{"a": 5, "b": "Bob", "c": true, "d": false, "e": { "f": "hello" } }'

Params will be { a: 5, b: 'Bob', c: true, d: false, e: { f: 'hello' } }

Call with parameters from file

mol $ call "math.add" --load

It tries to load the <current_dir>/math.add.params.json file to params.

mol $ call "math.add" --load my-params.json

It tries to load the my-params.jon file to params.

Call with file stream

mol $ call "math.add" --stream my-picture.jpg

It loads the my-picture.png file and send to the math.add action as a Stream.

Call and save response to file

mol $ call "math.add" --save

It saved the response to the <current_dir>/posts.find.response.json file. The extension is .json when the response is object. Otherwise it is .txt.

mol $ call "math.add" --save my-response.json

It saved the response to the my-response.json file.

Direct call

Get health info from node-12 node

mol $ dcall "node-12" "$"

Parameter passing is similar to call command.

Emit an event

mol $ emit "user.created"

Emit an event with parameters

mol $ emit "user.created" --a 5 --b Bob --c --no-d --e.f "hello"

Params will be { a: 5, b: 'Bob', c: true, d: false, e: { f: 'hello' } }

Emit an event with params & meta

mol $ emit "user.created" --a 5 --#b Bob --$groups acb

Params will be { a: 5 }, meta will be { b: 'Bob' } and options will be { groups: acb }.

Benchmark services

Moleculer REPL module has a new bench command to measure your services.

# Call service until 5 seconds (default)
mol $ bench math.add

# Call service 5000 times
mol $ bench --num 5000 math.add

# Call service until 30 seconds
mol $ bench --time 30 math.add


--num <number>     Number of iterates
--time <seconds> Time of bench
--nodeID <nodeID> NodeID (direct call)



Please note, parameters can be passed only as JSON string.

mol $ bench math.add '{ "a": 50, "b": 32 }'

Load a service from file

mol $ load "./math.service.js"

Load all services from a folder

mol $ load "./services"

List metrics

mol $ metrics


-f, --filter <match>  filter metrics (e.g.: 'moleculer.**')


Cache Keys

You can list keys of cache entries with

mol $ cache keys


-f, --filter <match>  filter keys

Cache Clear

You clear the cache with:

mol $ cache clear

that by default removes all the entries. If you want to remove a subset of entries, you must add a pattern:

Clear with pattern

mol $ cache clear greeter.*

Event listener

REPL can subscribe and listen to events. To subscribe use:

mol $ listener add user.created

Subscribe with group option

mol $ listener add user.created --group abcd

To unsubscribe use:

mol $ listener remove user.created

To list all events that REPL is listening to use

mol $ listener list

Custom commands

Custom REPL commands can be defined in broker options to extend Moleculer REPL commands.

// moleculer.config.js
module.exports = {
replOptions: {
delimiter: "mol # ",
customCommands: [
command: "hello <name>",
description: "Call the greeter.hello service with name",
alias: "hi",
options: [
{ option: "-u, --uppercase", description: "Uppercase the name" },
types: {
string: ["name"],
boolean: ["u", "uppercase"],
//parse(command, args) {},
//validate(args) {},
//help(args) {},
allowUnknownOptions: true,
action(broker, args /*, helpers*/) {
const name = args.options.uppercase
return"greeter.hello", { name }).then(console.log);
mol $ hello -u John
Hello JOHN