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Moleculer supports middlewares. It’s same as plugins in other frameworks. The middleware is an Object with hooks & wrapper functions. It allows to wrap action handlers, event handlers, broker methods and hook lifecycle events.


// awesome.middleware.js
module.exports = {
name: "Awesome",

localAction(next, action) {
return function(ctx) {
console.log(`My middleware is called before the `${}` action executed.`);
return next(ctx);

Wrapping handlers

Some hooks are wrappers. It means that you can wrap the original handler and return a new Function.
Wrap hooks are which the first parameter is next.

Wrap local action handler

const MyDoSomethingMiddleware = {
localAction(next, action) {
if (action.myFunc) {
// Wrap the handler
return function(ctx) {

return next(ctx)
.then(res => {
// Return the original result
return res;
.catch(err => {

// Throw further the error
throw err;

// If the feature is disabled we don't wrap it, return the original handler
// So it won't cut down the performance when the feature is disabled.
return next;

Example validator middleware

const MyValidator = {
localAction(next, action) {
// Wrap with a param validator if `action.params` is defined
if (_.isObject(action.params)) {
return ctx => {
this.validate(action.params, ctx.params);
return next(ctx);
return next;

The next is the original handler or the following wrapped handler. The middleware should return either the original handler or a new wrapped handler. As you can see above, the middleware checks whether the action has a params property. If yes, it will return a wrapped handler which calls the validator module before calling the original handler. If the params property is not defined, it simply returns the original handler (skip wrapping).

If you don’t call the original next in the middleware it will break the request. It can be used in cachers. For example, if it finds the requested data in the cache, it’ll return the cached data instead of calling the next.

Example cacher middleware

const MyCacher = {
localAction(next, action) {
return async function cacherMiddleware(ctx) {
const cacheKey = this.getCacheKey(, ctx.params, ctx);
const content = await this.get(cacheKey);
if (content != null) {
// Found in the cache! Don't call next, return with the cached content
ctx.cachedResult = true;
return content;

// Call the next
const result = await next(ctx);

// Save the response to the cache
this.set(cacheKey, result);
return result;


The next() always returns a Promise. So you can access to responses and manipulate them, as well.

Decorate core modules (extend functionality)

Middleware functions can be used to add new features to ServiceBroker or Service classes.

Decorate broker with a new allCall method

// moleculer.config.js
module.exports = {
middlewares: [
// After broker is created
created(broker) {
// Call action on all available nodes
broker.allCall = function(action, params, opts = {}) {
const nodeIDs = this.registry.getNodeList({ onlyAvailable: true })
.map(node =>;

// Make direct call to the given Node ID
return Promise.all( =>, params, Object.assign({ nodeID }, opts)))

Call the new method in order to call $ on every nodes:

const res = await broker.allCall("$");


localAction(next, action)

This hook wraps the local action handlers.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

localAction(next, action) {
return function(ctx) {
// Change context properties or something
return next(ctx)
.then(res => {
// Do something with the response
return res;
.catch(err => {
// Handle error or throw further
throw err;

remoteAction(next, action)

This hook wraps the remote action handlers.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

remoteAction(next, action) {
return function(ctx) {
// Change context properties or something
return next(ctx)
.then(res => {
// Do something with the response
return res;
.catch(err => {
// Handle error or throw further
throw err;

localEvent(next, event)

This hook wraps the local event handlers.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

localEvent(next, event) {
return (ctx) => {
return next(ctx);

localMethod(next, method)

This hook wraps service methods.

// my.middleware.js
module.exports = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

localMethod(next, method) {
return (...args) => {
console.log(`The '${}' method is called in '${method.service.fullName}' service.`, args);
return next(...args);


This hook wraps the broker.createService method.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

createService(next) {
return function(schema, schemaMods) {
console.log("The 'createService' is called.");
return next(schema, schemaMods);


This hook wraps the broker.destroyService method

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

destroyService(next) {
return function(service) {
console.log("The 'destroyService' is called.");
return next(service);


This hook wraps the method.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

call(next) {
return function(actionName, params, opts) {
console.log("The 'call' is called.", actionName);
return next(actionName, params, opts).then(res => {
console.log("Response:", res);
return res;


This hook wraps the broker.mcall method.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

mcall(next) {
return function() {
console.log("The 'mcall' is called.");
return next(...arguments).then(res => {
console.log("Response:", res);
return res;


This hook wraps the broker.emit method.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

emit(next) {
return function(eventName, payload, opts) {
console.log("The 'emit' is called.", eventName);
return next(eventName, payload, opts);


This hook wraps the broker.broadcast method.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

broadcast(next) {
return function(eventName, payload, opts) {
console.log("The 'broadcast' is called.", eventName);
return next(eventName, payload, opts);


This hook wraps the broker.broadcastLocal method.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

broadcastLocal(next) {
return function(eventName, payload, opts) {
console.log("The 'broadcastLocal' is called.", eventName);
return next(eventName, payload, opts);

serviceCreated(service) (sync)

This hook is called after local service creating.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

serviceCreated(service) {
console.log("Service created", service.fullName);

serviceStarting(service) (async)

This hook is called before service starting.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

serviceStarting(service) {
console.log("Service is starting", service.fullName);

serviceStarted(service) (async)

This hook is called after service starting.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

serviceStarted(service) {
console.log("Service started", service.fullName);

serviceStopping(service) (async)

This hook is called before service stopping.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

serviceStopping(service) {
console.log("Service is stopping", service.fullName);

serviceStopped(service) (async)

This hook is called after service stopping.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

serviceStopped(service) {
console.log("Service stopped", service.fullName);


This hook wraps broker’s local service registering method.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

registerLocalService(next) {
return (service) => {
console.log("Registering a local service",;
return next(service);

serviceCreating(service, schema)

This hook is called during local service creation (after mixins are applied, so service schema is merged completely).

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

serviceCreating(service, schema) {
// Modify schema
schema.myProp = "John";


This hook is called before sending a communication packet.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

transitPublish(next) {
return (packet) => {
return next(packet);


This hook is called before transit receives & parses an incoming message.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

transitMessageHandler(next) {
return (cmd, packet) => {
return next(cmd, packet);


This hook is called after serialization but before the transporter sends a communication packet.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

transporterSend(next) {
return (topic, data, meta) => {
// Do something with data. Data is a `Buffer`
return next(topic, data, meta);


This hook is called after transporter received a communication packet but before serialization.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

transporterReceive(next) {
return (cmd, data, s) => {
// Do something with data. Data is a `Buffer`
return next(cmd, data, s);

newLogEntry(type, args, bindings) (sync)

This hook is called when a new log messages iscreated.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

newLogEntry(type, args, bindings) {
// Do something with the `args`.

created(broker) (async)

This hook is called when broker created.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

created(broker) {
console.log("Broker created");

starting(broker) (async)

This hook is called before broker starting.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

starting(broker) {
console.log("Broker is starting");

started(broker) (async)

This hook is called after broker starting.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

started(broker) {
console.log("Broker started");

stopping(broker) (async)

This hook is called before broker stopping.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

stopping(broker) {
console.log("Broker is stopping");

stopped(broker) (async)

This hook is called after broker stopped.

// my.middleware.js
module.export = {
name: "MyMiddleware",

stopped(broker) {
console.log("Broker stopped");

Internal middlewares

Many integrated features have been exposed as internal middlewares. These middlewares are loaded by default when broker is created. However, they can be turned off by setting the internalMiddlewares: false in broker option. In this case you must explicitly specify the required middlewares in the middlewares: [] broker option.

Internal middlewares

Class name Type Description
ActionHook Optional Action hooks handler. Read more
Validator Optional Parameter validation. Read more
Bulkhead Optional Bulkhead feature. Read more
Cacher Optional Cacher middleware. Read more
ContextTracker Optional Context tracker feature. Read more
CircuitBreaker Optional Circuit Breaker feature. Read more
Timeout Always Timeout feature. Read more
Retry Always Retry feature. Read more
Fallback Always Fallback feature. Read more
ErrorHandler Always Error handling.
Tracing Optional Tracing feature. Read more
Metrics Optional Metrics feature. Read more
Debounce Optional Debounce feature. Read more
Throttle Optional Throttle feature. Read more
Transmit.Encryption Optional Transmission encryption middleware. Read more
Transmit.Compression Optional Transmission compression middleware. Read more
Debugging.TransitLogger Optional Transit Logger. Read more
Debugging.ActionLogger Optional Action logger. Read more

Access to internal middlewares

const { Bulkhead, Retry } = require("moleculer").Middlewares;

Transmission Middleware


AES encryption middleware protects all inter-services communications that use the transporter module.
This middleware uses built-in Node crypto lib.

// moleculer.config.js
const crypto = require("crypto");
const { Middlewares } = require("moleculer");
const initVector = crypto.randomBytes(16);

module.exports = {
middlewares: [
Middlewares.Transmit.Encryption("secret-password", "aes-256-cbc", initVector) // "aes-256-cbc" is the default


Compression middleware reduces the size of the messages that go through the transporter module.
This middleware uses built-in Node zlib lib.

// moleculer.config.js
const { Middlewares } = require("moleculer");

// Create broker
module.exports = {
middlewares: [
Middlewares.Transmit.Compression("deflate") // or "deflateRaw" or "gzip"

Debug Middlewares

Transit Logger

Transit logger middleware allows to easily track the messages that are exchanged between services.

// moleculer.config.js
const { Middlewares } = require("moleculer");

// Create broker
module.exports = {
middlewares: [
logPacketData: false,
folder: null,
colors: {
send: "magenta",
receive: "blue"
packetFilter: ["HEARTBEAT"]

Complete option list

Class name Type Default Description
logger Object or Function null Logger class. Read more.
logLevel String info Log level for built-in console logger. Read more.
logPacketData Boolean false Logs packet parameters
folder Object null Folder where logs will be written
extension String .json File extension of log file
color.receive String grey Supports all Chalk colors
color.send String grey Supports all Chalk colors
packetFilter Array<String> HEARTBEAT Type of packets to skip

Action Logger

Action Logger middleware tracks “how” service actions were executed.

// moleculer.config.js
const { Middlewares } = require("moleculer");

// Create broker
module.exports = {
middlewares: [
logParams: true,
logResponse: true,
folder: null,
colors: {
send: "magenta",
receive: "blue"
whitelist: ["**"]

Complete option list

Class name Type Default Description
logger Object or Function null Logger class. Read more.
logLevel String info Log level for built-in console logger. Read more.
logParams Boolean false Logs request parameters
logMeta Boolean false Logs meta parameters
folder String null Path do folder where logs will be written
extension String .json File extension of log file
color.request String yellow Supports all Chalk colors
color.response String cyan Supports all Chalk colors
colors.error String red Supports all Chalk colors
whitelist Array<String> ["**"] Actions to log. Uses the same whitelisting mechanism as in API Gateway.

Event Execution Rate


Throttling is a straightforward reduction of the trigger rate. It will cause the event listener to ignore some portion of the events while still firing the listeners at a constant (but reduced) rate. Same functionality as lodash’s _.throttle. For more info about throttling check this article.

module.exports = {
name: "my",
events: {
"config.changed": {
throttle: 3000,
// It won't be invoked again in 3 seconds.
handler(ctx) { /* ... */}


Unlike throttling, debouncing is a technique of keeping the trigger rate at exactly 0 until a period of calm, and then triggering the listener exactly once. Same functionality as lodash’s _.debounce. For more info about debouncing check this article.

module.exports = {
name: "my",
events: {
"config.changed": {
debounce: 5000,
// Handler will be invoked when events are not received in 5 seconds.
handler(ctx) { /* ... */}

Loading & Extending

If you want to use the built-in middlewares use their names in middlewares[] broker option. Also, the Middlewares can be easily extended with custom functions.

Load middleware by name

// moleculer.config.js
const { Middlewares } = require("moleculer");

// Extend with custom middleware
Middlewares.MyCustom = {
created(broker) {"My custom middleware is created!");

module.exports = {
logger: true,
middlewares: [
// Load middleware by name

Global view

Middlewares diagram