New release is coming soon! If you want to try out the latest features, simply run npm i -s moleculer@next. The docs for the latest version are available here.


Moleculer has some built-in Error to raise an error in services.

Base error classes


The base error class.


Name Type 默认设置 说明
message String Error message
code Number 500 Error code
type String Error type
data any Any relevant data


const { MoleculerError } = require("moleculer").Errors;

throw new MoleculerError("Something happened", 501, "ERR_SOMETHING", { a: 5, nodeID: "node-666" });


Error for retryable errors. It uses in The broker retries requests if they rejected a MoleculerRetryableError.


名称 类型 默认设置 说明
message String Error message
code Number 500 Error code
type String Error type
data any Any relevant data


const { MoleculerRetryableError } = require("moleculer").Errors;

throw new MoleculerRetryableError("Some retryable thing happened", 501, "ERR_SOMETHING", { a: 5, nodeID: "node-666" });


Error for retryable server errors. Parameters are same as MoleculerRetryableError.


Error for client error which is not retryable. Parameters are same as MoleculerError.

Internal error classes


Throw it if you call a not registered service action. Error code: 404 Retryable: true Type: SERVICE_NOT_FOUND


Throw it if you call a currently unavailable service action. E.g. node disconnected which contains this service or circuit breaker is opened. Error code: 404 Retryable: true Type: SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE


Throw it if your request is timed out. Error code: 504 Retryable: true Type: REQUEST_TIMEOUT


Throw it if your nested call is skipped because the execution is timed out due to distributed timeout. Error code: 514 Retryable: false Type: REQUEST_SKIPPED


Throw it if the called node is disconnected during requesting. Error code: 503 Retryable: true Type: REQUEST_REJECTED


Throw it if there are too many active requests. Error code: 429 Retryable: true Type: QUEUE_FULL


Validator throws it if the calling parameters are not valid. Error code: 422 Retryable: false Type: VALIDATION_ERROR (default)


Throw it if your nested calls reached the maxCallLevel value (to avoid infinite calling loops). Error code: 500 Retryable: false Type: MAX_CALL_LEVEL


Throw it if your service schema is not valid. Error code: 500 Retryable: false Type: SERVICE_SCHEMA_ERROR


Throw it if your broker options are not valid. Error code: 500 Retryable: false Type: BROKER_OPTIONS_ERROR


Throw it if shutdown is timed out. Error code: 500 Retryable: false Type: GRACEFUL_STOP_TIMEOUT


Throw it if an old nodeID connected with older protocol version. Error code: 500 Retryable: false Type: PROTOCOL_VERSION_MISMATCH


Throw it if transporter receives unknown data. Error code: 500 Retryable: false Type: INVALID_PACKET_DATA

Create custom errors

The following example shows how to create a custom Error class which is inherited from MoleculerError.

const { MoleculerError } = require("moleculer").Errors;

class MyBusinessError extends MoleculerError {
constructor(msg, data) {
super(msg || `This is my business error.`, 500, "MY_BUSINESS_ERROR", data);

Preserve custom error classes while transferring between remote nodes

For this purpose provide your own Regenerator. We recommend looking at the source code of Errors.Regenerator and implementing restore, extractPlainError or restoreCustomError methods.

Public interface of Regenerator

Method Return 描述
restore(plainError, payload) Error Restores an Error object
extractPlainError(err) Object Extracts a plain error object from Error object
restoreCustomError(plainError, payload) Error or undefined Hook to restore a custom error in a child class. Prefer to use this method instead of the restore method.

Create custom regenerator

const { Regenerator, MoleculerError } = require("moleculer").Errors;
const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");

class TimestampedError extends MoleculerError {
constructor(message, code, type, data, timestamp) {
super(message, code, type, data);
this.timestamp = timestamp;

class CustomRegenerator extends Regenerator {
restoreCustomError(plainError, payload) {
const { name, message, code, type, data, timestamp } = plainError;
switch (name) {
case "TimestampedError":
return new TimestampedError(message, code, type, data, timestamp);

extractPlainError(err) {
return {
timestamp: err.timestamp

module.exports = CustomRegenerator;

Use custom regenerator

// moleculer.config.js
const CustomRegenerator = require("./custom-regenerator");

module.exports = {
errorRegenerator: new CustomRegenerator()