New release is coming soon! If you want to try out the latest features, simply run npm i -s moleculer@next. The docs for the latest version are available here.


Moleculer 有一个内置的缓存服务动作的解决方案。 要启用它, 在 broker option中设置一种 <1>cacher</1> 类型 并在 action 定义中设置 cacher:true 用以缓存想要的内容。


const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");

// Create broker
const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: "Memory"

// Create a service
name: "users",
actions: {
list: {
// Enable caching to this action
cache: true,
handler(ctx) {"Handler called!");
return [
{ id: 1, name: "John" },
{ id: 2, name: "Jane" }

.then(() => {
// Will be called the handler, because the cache is empty
return"users.list").then(res =>"Users count:", res.length));
.then(() => {
// Return from cache, handler won't be called
return"users.list").then(res =>"Users count from cache:", res.length));

Console messages:

[2017-08-18T13:04:33.845Z] INFO  dev-pc/BROKER: Broker started.
[2017-08-18T13:04:33.848Z] INFO dev-pc/USERS: Handler called!
[2017-08-18T13:04:33.849Z] INFO dev-pc/BROKER: Users count: 2
[2017-08-18T13:04:33.849Z] INFO dev-pc/BROKER: Users count from cache: 2

如你所见,调用 Handler called 信息只出现一次,因为第二次请求的响应是从缓存中返回的。

Try it on Runkit


缓存器从服务名称、动作名称和上下文参数生成键。 键的语法是:

<serviceName>.<actionName>:<parameters or hash of parameters>

因此, 当使用参数{ limit: 5, offset: 20 }调用 posts.list 动作时, cacher 从参数中计算 hash. 下一次,当你用相同的参数来调用此操作时,它将会通过键在缓存中找到此项。

“posts.find” 动作 hash 键示例


参数对象可以包含与缓存键无关的属性。 而且,如果键太长,这也会造成性能问题。 因此建议为 cache 属性设置一个对象,对象包含一个在 keys 属性中。 若要在缓存 keys 使用 meta,相关属性用 # 前缀装饰。

留意以下键生成器使用了 params & meta 属性

name: "posts",
actions: {
list: {
cache: {
// generate cache key from "limit", "offset" params and "" meta
keys: ["limit", "offset",""]
handler(ctx) {
return this.getList(ctx.params.limit, ctx.params.offset);

// If params is { limit: 10, offset: 30 } and meta is { user: { id: 123 } },
// the cache key will be:
// posts.list:10|30|123
Performance tip



有时,键可能很长,可能造成性能问题。 为了避免它,在缓存配置中限制键长度为 maxParamsLength 。 当键长于配置的限制值时, 缓存从全键计算哈希(SHA256),并将其添加到键的末尾。

maxParamsLength 不要小于 44 (SHA 256 hash length in Base64).

要禁用此功能,请将其设置为 0null


cacher.getCacheKey("posts.find", { id: 2, title: "New post", content: "It can be very very looooooooooooooooooong content. So this key will also be too long" });
// Key: 'posts.find:id|2|title|New post|content|It can be very very looooooooooooooooooong content. So this key will also be too long'


const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
type: "Memory",
options: {
maxParamsLength: 60

cacher.getCacheKey("posts.find", { id: 2, title: "New post", content: "It can be very very looooooooooooooooooong content. So this key will also be too long" });
// Key: 'posts.find:id|2|title|New pL4ozUU24FATnNpDt1B0t1T5KP/T5/Y+JTIznKDspjT0='


条件缓存允许绕过缓存的响应并执行操作以获取“新”数据。 若要绕过缓存,请将 ctx.meta.$cache 设置为 false 然后调用一个动作。

示例关闭 greeter.hello 动作缓存"greeter.hello", { name: "Moleculer" }, { meta: { $cache: false }}))

作为替代,可以实现一个自定义函数来绕过 cache。 自定义函数接受上下文(ctx) 作为参数,因此它可以访问任何参数或 meta 数据。 这允许在请求中传递旁路 flag。


// greeter.service.js
module.exports = {
name: "greeter",
actions: {
hello: {
cache: {
enabled: ctx => ctx.params.noCache !== true, //`noCache` passed as a parameter
keys: ["name"]
handler(ctx) {
this.logger.debug(chalk.yellow("Execute handler"));
return `Hello ${}`;

// Use custom `enabled` function to turn off caching for this request"greeter.hello", { name: "Moleculer", noCache: true }))


在动作定义中可以覆盖默认的 TTL 设置。

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
type: "memory",
options: {
ttl: 30 // 30 seconds

name: "posts",
actions: {
list: {
cache: {
// These cache entries will be expired after 5 seconds instead of 30.
ttl: 5
handler(ctx) {
// ...


要覆盖内置的缓存键生成器,请在缓存选项中设置您自己的函数为 keygen

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
type: "memory",
options: {
keygen(name, params, meta, keys) {
// Generate a cache key
// name - action name
// params - ctx.params
// meta - ctx.meta
// keys - cache keys defined in action
return "";


缓存模块可以手动使用。 只需调用 broker.cacherget, set, del 方法。

// Save to cache
broker.cacher.set("mykey.a", { a: 5 });

// Get from cache (async)
const obj = await broker.cacher.get("mykey.a")

// Remove entry from cache
await broker.cacher.del("mykey.a");

// Clean all 'mykey' entries
await broker.cacher.clean("mykey.**");

// Clean all entries
await broker.cacher.clean();

此外,使用内置Redis 缓存时,可用在 broker.cacher.client 使用完整的 ioredis API :

// create an ioredis pipeline
const pipeline = broker.cacher.client.pipeline();
// set values in cache
pipeline.set('mykey.a', 'myvalue.a');
pipeline.set('mykey.b', 'myvalue.b');
// execute pipeline




name: "users",
actions: {
create(ctx) {
// Create new user entity
const user = new User(ctx.params);

// Clear all cache entries;

// Clear all cache entries which keys start with `users.`"users.**");

// Clear multiple cache entries[ "users.**", "posts.**" ]);

// Delete an entry"users.list");

// Delete multiple entries[ "users.model:5", "users.model:8" ]);


清除多个服务实例中的缓存条目的最佳做法是使用广播事件。 Note this is only required for non-centralized cachers like Memory or MemoryLRU.


module.exports = {
name: "users",
actions: {
create(ctx) {
// Create new user entity
const user = new User(ctx.params);

// Clear cache

return user;

methods: {
cleanCache() {
// Broadcast the event, so all service instances receive it (including this instance)."cache.clean.users");

events: {
"cache.clean.users"() {
if ( {"users.**");


有依赖的服务是常见的。 例如: posts 服务存储来自 users 服务缓存条目中的信息(in case of populating)。

posts 服务中的缓存条目示例

_id: 1,
title: "My post",
content: "Some content",
author: {
_id: 130,
fullName: "John Doe",
avatar: "https://..."
createdAt: 1519729167666

author 字段来自 users 服务 。 如果 users 服务清除缓存条目, posts 服务也必须清除自己的缓存条目。 因此,您也应该在 posts 服务中订阅 cache.clear.user 事件。

更简捷一点,请在依赖的服务方案中创建一个 CacheCleaner mixin 并定义。


module.exports = function(serviceNames) {
const events = {};

serviceNames.forEach(name => {
events[`cache.clean.${name}`] = function() {
if ( {
this.logger.debug(`Clear local '${}' cache`);`${}.*`);

return {


const CacheCleaner = require("./cache.cleaner.mixin");

module.exports = {
name: "posts",
mixins: [CacheCleaner([

actions: {

如果 users 服务发布了 cache.clean.users 事件, posts 服务也将清除自己的缓存条目。


Moleculer 也支持缓存锁定功能。 详情信息 请检查此 PR


const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
ttl: 60,
lock: true, // Set to true to enable cache locks. Default is disabled.

Enable with TTL

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
ttl: 60,
lock: {
ttl: 15, // The maximum amount of time you want the resource locked in seconds
staleTime: 10, // If the TTL is less than this number, means that the resources are staled


const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
ttl: 60,
lock: {
enable: false, // Set to false to disable.
ttl: 15, // The maximum amount of time you want the resource locked in seconds
staleTime: 10, // If the TTL is less than this number, means that the resources are staled

使用 redlock 库的 Redis 缓存示例

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
type: "Redis",
options: {
// Prefix for keys
prefix: "MOL",
// set Time-to-live to 30sec.
ttl: 30,
// Turns Redis client monitoring on.
monitor: false,
// Redis settings
redis: {
host: "redis-server",
port: 6379,
password: "1234",
db: 0
lock: {
ttl: 15, //the maximum amount of time you want the resource locked in seconds
staleTime: 10, // If the TTL is less than this number, means that the resources are staled
// Redlock settings
redlock: {
// Redis clients. Support node-redis or ioredis. By default will use the local client.
clients: [client1, client2, client3],
// the expected clock drift; for more details
// see
driftFactor: 0.01, // time in ms

// the max number of times Redlock will attempt
// to lock a resource before erroring
retryCount: 10,

// the time in ms between attempts
retryDelay: 200, // time in ms

// the max time in ms randomly added to retries
// to improve performance under high contention
// see
retryJitter: 200 // time in ms


Memory cacher

MemoryCacher 是一个内置内存缓存模块。 它在堆内存中储存条目。


const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: "Memory"

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: true

Enable with options

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
type: "Memory",
options: {
ttl: 30 // Set Time-to-live to 30sec. Disabled: 0 or null
clone: true // Deep-clone the returned value


名称 类型 默认设置 说明
ttl Number null Time-to-live in seconds.
clone Boolean or Function false 返回时克隆缓存的数据。
keygen Function null 自定义缓存键生成器函数。
maxParamsLength Number null Maximum length of params in generated keys.
lock Boolean or Object null 启用锁定功能。


Cacher 使用 lodash _.cloneDeep 方法进行克隆。 To change it, set a Function to the clone option instead of a Boolean.

使用 JSON parse & stringify 自定义克隆函数

const broker = new ServiceBroker({ 
cacher: {
type: "Memory",
options: {
clone: data => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))

LRU memory cacher

LRU memory cacher is a built-in LRU cache module. 删除最近使用最少的项目。

Enable LRU cacher

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: "MemoryLRU"

With options

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
logLevel: "debug",
cacher: {
type: "MemoryLRU",
options: {
// Maximum items
max: 100,
// Time-to-Live
ttl: 3


名称 类型 默认设置 说明
ttl Number null Time-to-live in seconds.
max Number null Maximum items in the cache.
clone Boolean or Function false Clone the cached data when return it.
keygen Function null Custom cache key generator function.
maxParamsLength Number null Maximum length of params in generated keys.
lock Boolean or Object null Enable lock feature.

要使用此缓存,请安装 lru-cache 模块, 使用 npm install lru-cache --save 命令。

Redis 缓存

RedisCacher is a built-in Redis based distributed cache module. 它使用 ioredis 库. Use it, if you have multiple instances of services because if one instance stores some data in the cache, other instances will find it.

启用 Redis 缓存

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: "Redis"

With connection string

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: "redis://redis-server:6379"

With options

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
type: "Redis",
options: {
// Prefix for keys
prefix: "MOL",
// set Time-to-live to 30sec.
ttl: 30,
// Turns Redis client monitoring on.
monitor: false,
// Redis settings
redis: {
host: "redis-server",
port: 6379,
password: "1234",
db: 0

With MessagePack serializer 您可以为 Redis Cacher 定义一个序列化器。 默认情况下,它使用 JSON 序列化器。

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
nodeID: "node-123",
cacher: {
type: "Redis",
options: {
ttl: 30,

// Using MessagePack serializer to store data.
serializer: "MsgPack",

redis: {
host: "my-redis"

使用 Redis 集群客户端

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
type: "Redis",
options: {
ttl: 30,

cluster: {
nodes: [
{ port: 6380, host: "" },
{ port: 6381, host: "" },
{ port: 6382, host: "" }
options: { /* More information: */ }


名称 类型 默认设置 说明
prefix String null 键前缀
ttl Number null Time-to-live in seconds. Disabled: 0 or null
monitor Boolean false 启用 Redis 客户端 监测功能。 If enabled, every client operation will be logged (on debug level)
redis Object null Custom Redis options. Will be passed to the new Redis() constructor. Read more.
keygen Function null Custom cache key generator function.
maxParamsLength Number null Maximum length of params in generated keys.
serializer String "JSON" Name of a built-in serializer.
cluster Object null Redis Cluster client configuration. More information
lock Boolean or Object null Enable lock feature.
pingInterval Number null Emit a Redis PING command every pingInterval milliseconds. Can be used to keep connections alive which may have idle timeouts.

要使用此缓存,请使用 npm install ioredis --save 命令安装 ioredis 模块。


可以创建自定义缓存模块。 我们建议复制 MemoryCacherRedisCacher 并实现 get set, delclean 方法。


const BaseCacher = require("moleculer").Cachers.Base;

class MyCacher extends BaseCacher {
async get(key) { /*...*/ }
async set(key, data, ttl) { /*...*/ }
async del(key) { /*...*/ }
async clean(match = "**") { /*...*/ }


const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
const MyCacher = require("./my-cacher");

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: new MyCacher()