In order to communicate with other nodes (ServiceBrokers) you need to configure a transporter. Most of the supported transporters connect to a central message broker that provide a reliable way of exchanging messages among remote nodes. These message brokers mainly support publish/subscribe messaging pattern.
Transporter is an important module if you are running services on multiple nodes. Transporter communicates with other nodes. It transfers events, calls requests and processes responses …etc. If multiple instances of a service are running on different nodes then the requests will be load-balanced among them.
The whole communication logic is outside of transporter class. It means that you can switch between transporters without changing any line of code.
There are several built-in transporters in Moleculer framework.
TCP transporter
This is a no-dependency, zero-configuration TCP transporter. It uses Gossip protocol to disseminate node statuses, service list and heartbeats. It contains an integrated UDP discovery feature to detect new and disconnected nodes on the network. If the UDP is prohibited on your network, use
option. It is a list of remote endpoints (host/ip, port, nodeID). It can be a static list in your configuration or a file path which contains the list.
Use TCP transporter with default options
// moleculer.config.js |
All TCP transporter options with default values
// moleculer.config.js |
TCP transporter with static endpoint list
// moleculer.config.js |
You don’t need to set port
because it find & parse the self TCP port from URL list.
TCP transporter with shorthand static endpoint list It needs to start with tcp://
// moleculer.config.js |
TCP transporter with static endpoint list file
// moleculer.config.js |
// nodes.json |
Serviceless nodePlease note, you don’t need to list all remote nodes. It’s enough at least one node which is online. For example, create a “serviceless” gossiper node, which does nothing, just shares other remote nodes addresses by gossip messages. So all nodes must know only the gossiper node address to be able to communicate with all other nodes.
NATS Transporter
Built-in transporter for NATS.
NATS Server is a simple, high performance open source messaging system for cloud-native applications, IoT messaging, and microservices architectures.
// moleculer.config.js |
DependenciesTo use this transporter install the
module withnpm install nats --save
Connect to ‘nats://localhost:4222’
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect to a remote NATS server
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect to a remote NATS server with auth
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect with options
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect with TLS
// moleculer.config.js |
Redis Transporter
Built-in transporter for Redis.
// moleculer.config.js |
DependenciesTo use this transporter install the
module withnpm install ioredis --save
Connect with default settings
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect with connection string
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect to a secure Redis server
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect with options
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect to Redis cluster
// moleculer.config.js |
MQTT Transporter
Built-in transporter for MQTT protocol (e.g.: Mosquitto).
// moleculer.config.js |
DependenciesTo use this transporter install the
module withnpm install mqtt --save
Connect with default settings
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect with connection string
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect to secure MQTT server
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect with options
// moleculer.config.js |
AMQP (0.9) Transporter
Built-in transporter for AMQP 0.9 protocol (e.g.: RabbitMQ).
// moleculer.config.js |
DependenciesTo use this transporter install the
module withnpm install amqplib --save
Transporter options
Options can be passed to amqp.connect()
Connect to ‘amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672’
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect to a remote server
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect to a secure server
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect to a remote server with options & credentials
// moleculer.config.js |
AMQP 1.0 Transporter
Built-in transporter for AMQP 1.0 protocol (e.g.: ActiveMq or RabbitMQ + rabbitmq-amqp1.0 plugin).
Please note, it is an experimental transporter. Do not use it in production yet!
// moleculer.config.js |
DependenciesTo use this transporter install the
module withnpm install rhea-promise --save
Transporter options
Options can be passed to
method, the topics, the queues, and the messages themselves.
Connect to ‘amqp10://guest:guest@localhost:5672’
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect to a remote server
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect to a remote server with options & credentials
// moleculer.config.js |
Kafka Transporter
Built-in transporter for Kafka.
It is a simple implementation. It transfers Moleculer packets to consumers via pub/sub. There are not implemented offset, replay…etc features.
DependenciesTo use this transporter install the
module withnpm install kafka-node --save
Connect to Zookeeper
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect to Zookeeper with custom options
// moleculer.config.js |
NATS Streaming (STAN) Transporter
Built-in transporter for NATS Streaming.
It is a simple implementation. It transfers Moleculer packets to consumers via pub/sub. There are not implemented offset, replay…etc features.
// moleculer.config.js |
DependenciesTo use this transporter install the
module withnpm install node-nats-streaming --save
Connect with default settings
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect with connection string
// moleculer.config.js |
Connect with options
// moleculer.config.js |
Custom transporter
Custom transporter module can be created. We recommend to copy the source of NatsTransporter and implement the connect
, disconnect
, subscribe
and send
Create custom transporter
const BaseTransporter = require("moleculer").Transporters.Base; |
Use custom transporter
// moleculer.config.js |
Disabled balancer
Some transporter servers have built-in balancer solution. E.g.: RabbitMQ, NATS, NATS-Streaming. If you want to use the transporter balancer instead of Moleculer balancer, set the disableBalancer
broker option to true
// moleculer.config.js |
Please noteIf you disable the built-in Moleculer balancer, all requests & events will be transferred via transporter (including local requests). E.g. you have a local math service and you call
locally, the request will be sent via transporter.
Transporter needs a serializer module which serializes & deserializes the transferred packets. The default serializer is the JSONSerializer
but there are several built-in serializer.
Note that certain data types (e.g., Date, Map, BigInt) cannot be serialized with native JSON serializer. If you are working with this kind of data consider using Avro, Notepack or any other binary serializer.
// moleculer.config.js |
JSON serializer
This is the default serializer. It serializes the packets to JSON string and deserializes the received data to packet.
// moleculer.config.js |
Avro serializer
Built-in Avro serializer.
// moleculer.config.js |
DependenciesTo use this serializer install the
module withnpm install avsc --save
MsgPack serializer
Built-in MsgPack serializer.
// moleculer.config.js |
DependenciesTo use this serializer install the
module withnpm install msgpack5 --save
Notepack serializer
Built-in Notepack serializer.
// moleculer.config.js |
DependenciesTo use this serializer install the
module withnpm install --save
ProtoBuf serializer
Built-in Protocol Buffer serializer.
// moleculer.config.js |
DependenciesTo use this serializer install the
module withnpm install protobufjs --save
Thrift serializer
Built-in Thrift serializer.
// moleculer.config.js |
DependenciesTo use this serializer install the
module withnpm install thrift --save
CBOR serializer
CBOR (cbor-x) is the fastest than any other serializers.
// moleculer.config.js |
Custom serializer
Custom serializer module can be created. We recommend to copy the source of JSONSerializer and implement the serialize
and deserialize
Create custom serializer
const BaseSerializer = require("moleculer").Serializers.Base; |
Use custom serializer
// moleculer.config.js |