New release is coming soon! If you want to try out the latest features, simply run npm i -s moleculer@next. The docs for the latest version are available here.

Database Adapters

Moleculer framework has an official set of DB adapters. Use them to persist your data in a database.

Database per service

Moleculer follows the one database per service pattern. To learn more about this design pattern and its implications check this article. For multiple entities/tables per service approach check FAQ.


  • default CRUD actions
  • cached actions
  • pagination support
  • pluggable adapter (NeDB is the default memory adapter for testing & prototyping)
  • official adapters for MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MySQL, MSSQL.
  • fields filtering
  • populating
  • encode/decode IDs
  • entity lifecycle events for notifications
Try it in your browser!

Edit moleculer-db

Base Adapter NPM version

Moleculer’s default adapter is based on NeDB. Use it to quickly set up and test you prototype.

Only use this adapter for prototyping and testing. When you are ready to go into production simply swap to Mongo, Mongoose or Sequelize adapters as they all implement common Settings, Actions and Methods.


$ npm install moleculer-db --save

Первые шаги

"use strict";

const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
const DbService = require("moleculer-db");

const broker = new ServiceBroker();

// Create a DB service for `user` entities
name: "users",

// Mixin DB service into (current) 'users' service
mixins: [DbService],

settings: {
fields: ["_id", "username", "name"],
entityValidator: {
username: "string"

afterConnected() {
// Seed the DB with ˙this.create`


// Create a new user
.then(() =>"users.create", {
username: "john",
name: "John Doe",
status: 1

// Get all users
.then(() =>"users.find").then(console.log));

// List users with pagination
.then(() =>"users.list", { page: 2, pageSize: 10 }).then(console.log));

// Get a user
.then(() =>"users.get", { id: 2 }).then(console.log));

// Update a user
.then(() =>"users.update", { id: 2, name: "Jane Doe" }).then(console.log));

// Delete a user
.then(() =>"users.remove", { id: 2 }).then(console.log));

More examples can be found on GitHub


All DB adapters share a common set of settings:

Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
idField String required Name of ID field.
fields Array.<String> null Field filtering list. It must be an Array. If the value is null or undefined doesn’t filter the fields of entities.
populates Array null Schema for population. Read more.
pageSize Number required Default page size in list action.
maxPageSize Number required Maximum page size in list action.
maxLimit Number required Maximum value of limit in find action. Default: -1 (no limit)
entityValidator Object, function null Validator schema or a function to validate the incoming entity in create & ‘insert’ actions.

idField does not work with Sequelize adapter as you can freely set your own ID while creating the model.


As with all mixins, the standard merge algorithm allows you to override the defaults applied by this mixin. For example to disable an action you can set the action to false in your service.


"use strict";
const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
const DbService = require("moleculer-db");

const broker = new ServiceBroker();

name: "db-with-hooks",

// Load DB actions
mixins: [DbService],

actions: {
// Disable remove action
remove: false,
// Make create and insert public instead of published
create: {
visibility: "public",
insert: {
visibility: "public",



DB adapters also implement CRUD operations. These actions are published methods and can be called by other services.

find Cached action

Find entities by query.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
populate Array.<String> - Populated fields.
fields Array.<String> - Fields filter.
limit Number required Max count of rows.
offset Number required Count of skipped rows.
sort String required Sorted fields.
поиск String required Search text.
searchFields String required Fields for searching.
query Object required Query object. Passes to adapter.


Type: Array.<Object> - List of found entities.

count Cached action

Get count of entities by query.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
поиск String required Search text.
searchFields String required Fields list for searching.
query Object required Query object. Passes to adapter.


Type: Number - Count of found entities.

list Cached action

List entities by filters and pagination results.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
populate Array.<String> - Populated fields.
fields Array.<String> - Fields filter.
page Number required Page number.
pageSize Number required Size of a page.
sort String required Sorted fields.
поиск String required Search text.
searchFields String required Fields for searching.
query Object required Query object. Passes to adapter.


Type: Object - List of found entities and count.


Create a new entity.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
- - - -

No input parameters.


Type: Object - Saved entity.


Create many new entities.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
entity Object - Entity to save.
entities Array.<Object> - Entities to save.


Type: Object, Array.<Object> - Saved entity(ies).

get Cached action

Get entity by ID.

Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
id any, Array.<any> required ID(s) of entity.
populate Array.<String> - Field list for populate.
fields Array.<String> - Fields filter.
mapping Boolean - Convert the returned Array to Object where the key is the value of id.


Type: Object, Array.<Object> - Found entity(ies).


Update an entity by ID.

After update, clear the cache & call lifecycle events.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
- - - -

No input parameters.


Type: Object - Updated entity.


Remove an entity by ID.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
id any required ID of entity.


Type: Number - Count of removed entities.


DB adapters also has a set of helper methods.


Get entity(ies) by ID(s).


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
id String, Number, Array required ID or IDs.
decoding Boolean required Need to decode IDs.


Type: Object, Array.<Object> - Found entity(ies).


Clear cached entities


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
- - - -

No input parameters.


Type: Promise


Encode ID of entity.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
id any required -


Type: any


Decode ID of entity.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
id any required -


Type: any

_find Cached action

Find entities by query.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
populate Array.<String> - Populated fields.
fields Array.<String> - Fields filter.
limit Number required Max count of rows.
offset Number required Count of skipped rows.
sort String required Sorted fields.
поиск String required Search text.
searchFields String required Fields for searching.
query Object required Query object. Passes to adapter.


Type: Array.<Object>

List of found entities.

_count Cached action

Get count of entities by query.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
поиск String required Search text.
searchFields String required Fields list for searching.
query Object required Query object. Passes to adapter.


Type: Number

Count of found entities.

_list Cached action

List entities by filters and pagination results.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
populate Array.<String> - Populated fields.
fields Array.<String> - Fields filter.
page Number required Page number.
pageSize Number required Size of a page.
sort String required Sorted fields.
поиск String required Search text.
searchFields String required Fields for searching.
query Object required Query object. Passes to adapter.


Type: Object

List of found entities and count.


Create a new entity.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
params Object - Entity to save.


Type: Object

Saved entity.


Create many new entities.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
entity Object - Entity to save.
entities Array.<Object> - Entities to save.


Type: Object, Array.<Object>

Saved entity(ies).

_get Cached action

Get entity by ID.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
id any, Array.<any> required ID(s) of entity.
populate Array.<String> - Field list for populate.
fields Array.<String> - Fields filter.
mapping Boolean - Convert the returned Array to Object where the key is the value of id.


Type: Object, Array.<Object>

Found entity(ies).


Update an entity by ID.

After update, clear the cache & call lifecycle events.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
params Object - Entity to update.


Type: Object

Updated entity.


Remove an entity by ID.


Property Тип Значение по умолчанию Описание
id any required ID of entity.


Type: Number

Count of removed entities.

Data Manipulation

You can easily use Action hooks to modify (e.g. add timestamps, hash user’s passwords or remove sensitive info) before or after saving the data in DB. Hooks will only run before or after actions. If you need to run your data manipulations before or after the this._create(), this._update() or this._remove() methods, you can use the Lifecycle events

Example of hooks adding a timestamp and removing sensitive data

"use strict";
const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
const DbService = require("moleculer-db");

const broker = new ServiceBroker();

name: "db-with-hooks",

// Load DB actions
mixins: [DbService],

// Add Hooks to DB actions
hooks: {
before: {
create: [
function addTimestamp(ctx) {
// Add timestamp
ctx.params.createdAt = new Date();
return ctx;
after: {
get: [
// Arrow function as a Hook
(ctx, res) => {
// Remove sensitive data
delete res.mail;
delete res.phoneNumber;

return res;

const user = {
name: "John Doe",
mail: "[email protected]",
phoneNumber: 123456789

// Insert user into DB
// Call "create" action. Before hook will be triggered
.then(() =>"db-with-hooks.create", user))
// Get user from DB
// Call "get" action. After hook will be triggered
.then(entry =>"db-with-hooks.get", { id: entry._id }))
.then(res => console.log(res))
.catch(err => console.error(err));


The service allows you to easily populate fields from other services. For example: If you have an author field in post entity, you can populate it with users service by ID of author. If the field is an Array of IDs, it will populate all entities via only one request

Example of populate schema

name: "posts",
mixins: [DbService],
settings: {
populates: {
// Shorthand populate rule. Resolve the `voters` values with `users.get` action.
"voters": "users.get",

// If the ID to populate is deep within the object, you can simply provide a dot-separated path to the ID to populate it.
"": "users.get"

// Define the params of action call. It will receive only with username & full name of author.
"author": {
action: "users.get",
params: {
fields: "username fullName"
// In case the original field shouldn't be overwritten with the populated values.
// The reviewer field will be added to the result containing the values
// resolved by the "users.get" action based on the reviewerId field.
"reviewer": {
field: "reviewerId",
action: "users.get",
params: {
fields: "username fullName"

// Custom populator handler function
"rate"(ids, items, rule, ctx) {
// items argument is a mutable array containing response items
// the resolved value from promise do not matter - items array will always be passed as populated response
// so you should du custom populate by mutating items, if confused check implementaion:

return Promise.resolve(...);

// List posts with populated authors"posts.find", { populate: ["author"]}).then(console.log);
// Deep population"posts.find", { populate: [""]}).then(console.log);

Recursive population is also supported. For example, if the users service populates a group field:

name: "users",
mixins: [DbService],
settings: {
populates: {
"group": "groups.get"

Then you can populate the group of a post author or liker like this:

//Recursive population"posts.find", { populate: [""]}).then(console.log);
//Recursive deep population"posts.find", { populate: [""]}).then(console.log);

The populate parameter is available in find, list and get actions.

Lifecycle entity events

There are 6 lifecycle entity events which are called when entities are manipulated.

name: "posts",
mixins: [DbService],
settings: {},

afterConnected() {"Connected successfully");

beforeEntityCreate(json, ctx) {"New entity will be created");
json.createdAt = new Date()
json.updatedAt = new Date()
return json; // You must return the modified entity here

beforeEntityUpdate(json, ctx) {"Entity will be updated");
json.updatedAt = new Date()
return json;

beforeEntityRemove(json, ctx) {"Entity will be removed");
return json;

entityCreated(json, ctx) {"New entity created!");

entityUpdated(json, ctx) {
// You can also access to Context`Entity updated by '${}' user!`);

entityRemoved(json, ctx) {"Entity removed", json);

Please note! If you manipulate multiple entities (updateMany, removeMany), the json parameter will be a Number instead of entities!

Extend with custom actions

Naturally you can extend this service with your custom actions.

const DbService = require("moleculer-db");

module.exports = {
name: "posts",
mixins: [DbService],

settings: {
fields: ["_id", "title", "content", "votes"]

actions: {
// Increment `votes` field by post ID
vote(ctx) {
return this.adapter.updateById(, { $inc: { votes: 1 } });

// List posts of an author
byAuthors(ctx) {
return this.find({
query: {
author: ctx.params.authorID
limit: ctx.params.limit || 10,
sort: "-createdAt"

Mongo Adapter NPM version

This adapter is based on MongoDB.


$ npm install moleculer-db moleculer-db-adapter-mongo --save

To use this adapter you need to install MongoDB on you system.

Первые шаги

"use strict";

const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
const DbService = require("moleculer-db");
const MongoDBAdapter = require("moleculer-db-adapter-mongo");

const broker = new ServiceBroker();

// Create a Mongoose service for `post` entities
name: "posts",
mixins: [DbService],
adapter: new MongoDBAdapter("mongodb://localhost/moleculer-demo"),
collection: "posts"

// Create a new post
.then(() =>"posts.create", {
title: "My first post",
content: "Lorem ipsum...",
votes: 0

// Get all posts
.then(() =>"posts.find").then(console.log));


Example with connection URI

new MongoDBAdapter("mongodb://localhost/moleculer-db")

Example with connection URI & options

new MongoDBAdapter("mongodb://db-server-hostname/my-db", {
keepAlive: 1

More MongoDB examples can be found on GitHub

Mongoose Adapter NPM version

This adapter is based on Mongoose.


$ npm install moleculer-db moleculer-db-adapter-mongoose mongoose --save

To use this adapter you need to install MongoDB on you system.

Первые шаги

"use strict";

const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
const DbService = require("moleculer-db");
const MongooseAdapter = require("moleculer-db-adapter-mongoose");
const mongoose = require("mongoose");

const broker = new ServiceBroker();

// Create a Mongoose service for `post` entities
name: "posts",
mixins: [DbService],
adapter: new MongooseAdapter("mongodb://localhost/moleculer-demo"),
model: mongoose.model("Post", mongoose.Schema({
title: { type: String },
content: { type: String },
votes: { type: Number, default: 0}

// Create a new post
.then(() =>"posts.create", {
title: "My first post",
content: "Lorem ipsum...",
votes: 0

// Get all posts
.then(() =>"posts.find").then(console.log));


Example with connection URI

new MongooseAdapter("mongodb://localhost/moleculer-db")

Example with URI and options

new MongooseAdapter("mongodb://db-server-hostname/my-db", {
user: process.env.MONGO_USERNAME,
pass: process.env.MONGO_PASSWORD
keepAlive: true

Connect to multiple DBs

If your services are running on separate nodes and you wish to connect to multiple databases then you can use model in your service definition. On the other hand, if your services are running on a single node and you wish to connect to multiple databases, you should define the schema that will make multiple connections for you.

More Mongoose examples can be found on GitHub

Sequelize Adapter NPM version

SQL adapter (Postgres, MySQL, SQLite & MSSQL) for Moleculer DB service with Sequelize.


$ npm install moleculer-db-adapter-sequelize --save

You have to install additional packages for your database server:

# For SQLite
$ npm install sqlite3 --save

# For MySQL
$ npm install mysql2 --save

# For PostgreSQL
$ npm install pg pg-hstore --save

$ npm install tedious --save

Первые шаги

"use strict";

const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
const DbService = require("moleculer-db");
const SqlAdapter = require("moleculer-db-adapter-sequelize");
const Sequelize = require("sequelize");

const broker = new ServiceBroker();

// Create a Sequelize service for `post` entities
name: "posts",
mixins: [DbService],
adapter: new SqlAdapter("sqlite://:memory:"),
model: {
name: "post",
define: {
title: Sequelize.STRING,
content: Sequelize.TEXT,
votes: Sequelize.INTEGER,
author: Sequelize.INTEGER,
status: Sequelize.BOOLEAN
options: {
// Options from

// Create a new post
.then(() =>"posts.create", {
title: "My first post",
content: "Lorem ipsum...",
votes: 0

// Get all posts
.then(() =>"posts.find").then(console.log));


Every constructor arguments are passed to the Sequelize constructor. Read more about Sequelize connection.

Example with connection URI

new SqlAdapter("postgres://user:[email protected]:5432/dbname");

Example with connection options

new SqlAdapter('database', 'username', 'password', {
host: 'localhost',
dialect: 'mysql'|'sqlite'|'postgres'|'mssql',

pool: {
max: 5,
min: 0,
idle: 10000

noSync: true // If true, the model will not be synced by Sequelize

// SQLite only
storage: 'path/to/database.sqlite'

More Sequelize examples can be found on GitHub