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Moleculer has a built-in metrics feature. It can be enabled within the broker options with metrics: true option.
If it is enabled, the broker emits metrics events at every requests. You can subscribe to these events in your services and transfer them to your Tracer system (ZipKin, OpenTracing…etc).

Context params & meta

You can customize that the broker puts some ctx.meta and ctx.params fields to the metrics events.

Define it in the action definition:

module.exports = {
name: "test",
actions: {
import: {
cache: true,
metrics: {
// Don't add `ctx.params` to metrics payload. Default: false
params: false,
// Add `ctx.meta` to metrics payload. Default: true
meta: true
handler(ctx) {
// ...

If the value is true, it adds all fields. If Array, it adds only the specified fields. If Function, it calls with params or metaand you must return an Object.


All fields

// Action definition
metrics: { params: true }

// Request params"user.create", { name: "John", lastname: "Doe" });

// Metrics payload
params: { name: "John", lastname: "Doe" }

Only selected fields

// Action definition
metrics: {
params: ["name"],
meta: ["user"]

// Request params"user.create", { name: "John", lastname: "Doe" }, { meta: { user } });

// Metrics payload
params: { name: "John" },
meta: {
user: {
// ...

Custom mapping function

// Action definition
metrics: {
params: p => {
return {
name: + ' ' + p.lastname

// Request params"user.create", { name: "John", lastname: "Doe" });

// Metrics payload
params: { name: "John Doe" }

Request started event

The broker emits an metrics.trace.span.start event when a new request is started.
The payload looks like the following:

// Context ID
id: '4563b09f-04cf-4891-bc2c-f26f80c3f91e',
// Request ID
requestID: '6858979d-3298-4a7b-813a-ffb417da822b',
// Level of call
level: 1,
// Start time
startTime: 1493903164726,
// Is it a remote call
remoteCall: false,
// Called action
action: {
name: 'users.get'
// Called service
service: {
name: "users"
// Params
params: {
id: 5
// Meta
meta: {},
// Node ID
nodeID: "node-1",
// Caller nodeID if it's requested from a remote node
callerNodeID: "node-2",
// Parent context ID if it is a sub-call
parentID: null

Request finished event

The broker emits an metrics.trace.span.finish event when the call/request is finished.
The payload looks like the following:

// Context ID
id: '4563b09f-04cf-4891-bc2c-f26f80c3f91e',
// Request ID
requestID: '6858979d-3298-4a7b-813a-ffb417da822b',
// Level of call
level: 1,
// Start time
startTime: 1493903164726,
// End time
endTime: 1493903164731.3684,
// Duration of request
duration: 5.368304,
// Is it a remote call
remoteCall: false,
// Is it resolved from cache
fromCache: false,
// Called action
action: {
name: 'users.get'
// Called service
service: {
name: "users"
// Params
params: {
id: 5
// Meta
meta: {},
// Node ID
nodeID: "node-1",
// Caller nodeID if it's a remote call
callerNodeID: "node-2",
// Parent context ID if it is a sub-call
parentID: null,
// Error if the call returned with error
error: {
name: "ValidationError",
message: "Invalid incoming parameters"
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