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Broker has a built-in event bus to support Event-driven architecture and to send events to local and remote services.

Balanced events

The event listeners are arranged to logical groups. It means that only one listener is triggered in every group.

Example: you have 2 main services: users & payments. Both subscribe to the user.created event. You start 3 instances from users service and 2 instances from payments service. When you emit the user.created event, only one users and one payments service instance will receive the event.

Balanced events diagram

The group name comes from the service name, but it can be overwritten in event definition in services.


module.exports = {
name: "payment",
events: {
"order.created": {
// Register handler to the "other" group instead of "payment" group.
group: "other",
handler(payload) {
// ...

Emit balanced events

Send balanced events with broker.emit function. The first parameter is the name of the event, the second parameter is the payload.
To send multiple values, wrap them into an Object.

// The `user` will be serialized to transportation.
broker.emit("user.created", user);

Specify which groups/services receive the event:

// Only the `mail` & `payments` services receives it
broker.emit("user.created", user, ["mail", "payments"]);

Broadcast event

The broadcast event is sent to all available local & remote services. It is not balanced, all service instances receive it.

Broadcast events diagram

Send broadcast events with broker.broadcast method.

broker.broadcast("config.changed", config);

Specify which groups/services receive the event:

// Send to all "mail" service instances
broker.broadcast("user.created", { user }, "mail");

// Send to all "user" & "purchase" service instances.
broker.broadcast("user.created", { user }, ["user", "purchase"]);

Local broadcast event

Send broadcast events to only all local services with broker.broadcastLocal method.

broker.broadcastLocal("config.changed", config);

Subscribe to events

Subscribe to events in ‘events’ property of services. Use of Wildcards (?, *, **) are available in event names.

module.exports = {
events: {
// Subscribe to `user.created` event
"user.created"(user) {
console.log("User created:", user);

// Subscribe to all `user` events
"user.*"(user) {
console.log("User event:", user);

// Subscribe to all internal events
"$**"(payload, sender, event) {
console.log(`Event '${event}' received from ${sender} node:`, payload);

Internal events

The broker broadcasts some internal events. These events always starts with $ prefix.


The broker sends this event if the local node or a remote node loads or destroys services.


Name Type Description
localService Boolean True if a local service changed.


The broker sends this event when the circuit breaker module change its state to open.


Name Type Description
nodeID String Node ID
action String Action name
failures Number Count of failures


The broker sends this event when the circuit breaker module change its state to half-open.


Name Type Description
nodeID String Node ID
action String Action name


The broker sends this event when the circuit breaker module change its state to closed.


Name Type Description
nodeID String Node ID
action String Action name


The broker sends this event when a node connected or reconnected.


Name Type Description
node Node Node info object
reconnected Boolean Is reconnected?


The broker sends this event when it has received an INFO message from a node, (i.e. a service is loaded or destroyed).


Name Type Description
node Node Node info object


The broker sends this event when a node disconnected (gracefully or unexpectedly).


Name Type Description
node Node Node info object
unexpected Boolean true - Not received heartbeat, false - Received DISCONNECT message from node.


The broker sends this event once broker.start() is called and all local services are started.


The broker sends this event once broker.stop() is called and all local services are stopped.


The transporter sends this event once the transporter is connected.


The transporter sends this event once the transporter is disconnected.