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Moleculer has a built-in caching solution to cache responses of service actions. To enable it, set a cacher type in broker option and set the cache: true in action definition what you want to cache.

Cached action example

const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");

// Create broker
const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: "Memory"

// Create a service
name: "users",
actions: {
list: {
// Enable caching to this action
cache: true,
handler(ctx) {"Handler called!");
return [
{ id: 1, name: "John" },
{ id: 2, name: "Jane" }

.then(() => {
// Will be called the handler, because the cache is empty
return"users.list").then(res =>"Users count:", res.length));
.then(() => {
// Return from cache, handler won't be called
return"users.list").then(res =>"Users count from cache:", res.length));

Console messages:

[2017-08-18T13:04:33.845Z] INFO  dev-pc/BROKER: Broker started.
[2017-08-18T13:04:33.848Z] INFO dev-pc/USERS: Handler called!
[2017-08-18T13:04:33.849Z] INFO dev-pc/BROKER: Users count: 2
[2017-08-18T13:04:33.849Z] INFO dev-pc/BROKER: Users count from cache: 2

As you can see, the Handler called message appears only once because the response of second request is returned from the cache.

Try it on Runkit

Cache keys

The cacher generates key from service name, action name and the params of context.
The syntax of key is:

<serviceName>.<actionName>:<parameters or hash of parameters>

So if you call the posts.list action with params { limit: 5, offset: 20 }, the cacher calculates a hash from the params. So the next time, when you call this action with the same params, it will find the entry in the cache by key.

Example hashed cache key for “posts.find” action


However, the params can contain properties which is not relevant for the cache key. On the other hand, it can cause performance issues if the key is too long. Therefore it is recommended to set an object for cache property which contains a list of essential parameter names under the keys property.

Strict the list of params & meta properties for key generation

name: "posts",
actions: {
list: {
cache: {
// generate cache key from "limit", "offset" params and "" meta
keys: ["limit", "offset",""]
handler(ctx) {
return this.getList(ctx.params.limit, ctx.params.offset);

// If params is { limit: 10, offset: 30 } and meta is { user: { id: 123 } }, the cache key will be:
// posts.list:10|30|123

This solution is pretty fast, so we recommend to use it in production.

Cache meta keys

To use meta keys in cache keys use the # prefix.

name: "posts",
actions: {
list: {
cache: {
// Cache key: "limit" & "offset" from ctx.params, "" from ctx.meta
keys: ["limit", "offset", ""],
ttl: 5
handler(ctx) {


Limiting cache key length

Occasionally, the key can be very long, which can cause performance issues. To avoid it, maximize the length of concatenated params in the key with maxParamsLength cacher option. When the key is longer than this configured limitvalue, the cacher calculates a hash (SHA256) from the full key and adds it to the end of the key.

The minimum of maxParamsLength is 44 (SHA 256 hash length in Base64).

To disable this feature, set it to 0 or null.

Generate a full key from the whole params without limit

cacher.getCacheKey("posts.find", { id: 2, title: "New post", content: "It can be very very looooooooooooooooooong content. So this key will also be too long" });
// Key: 'posts.find:id|2|title|New post|content|It can be very very looooooooooooooooooong content. So this key will also be too long'

Generate a limited-length key

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
type: "Memory",
options: {
maxParamsLength: 60

cacher.getCacheKey("posts.find", { id: 2, title: "New post", content: "It can be very very looooooooooooooooooong content. So this key will also be too long" });
// Key: 'posts.find:id|2|title|New pL4ozUU24FATnNpDt1B0t1T5KP/T5/Y+JTIznKDspjT0='

Conditional caching

Conditional caching allows to bypass the cached response and execute an action in order to obtain “fresh” data.
To bypass the cache set ctx.meta.$cache to false before calling an action.

Example of turning off the caching for the greeter.hello action"greeter.hello", { name: "Moleculer" }, { meta: { $cache: false }}))

As an alternative, a custom function can be implemented to enable bypassing the cache. The custom function accepts as an argument the context (ctx) instance therefore it has access any params or meta data. This allows to pass the bypass flag within the request.

Example of a custom conditional caching function

// greeter.service.js
module.exports = {
name: "greeter",
actions: {
hello: {
cache: {
enabled: ctx => ctx.params.noCache !== true, //`noCache` passed as a parameter
keys: ["name"]
handler(ctx) {
this.logger.debug(chalk.yellow("Execute handler"));
return `Hello ${}`;

// Use custom `enabled` function to turn off caching for this request"greeter.hello", { name: "Moleculer", noCache: true }))


Default TTL setting can be overriden in action definition.

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
type: "memory",
options: {
ttl: 30 // 30 seconds

name: "posts",
actions: {
list: {
cache: {
// These cache entries will be expired after 5 seconds instead of 30.
ttl: 5
handler(ctx) {
// ...

Custom key-generator

To overwrite the built-in cacher key generator, set your own function as keygen in cacher options.

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
type: "memory",
options: {
keygen(name, params, meta, keys) {
// Generate a cache key
// name - action name
// params - ctx.params
// meta - ctx.meta
// keys - cache keys defined in action
return "";

Manual caching

The cacher module can be used manually. Just call the get, set, del methods of broker.cacher.

// Save to cache
broker.cacher.set("mykey.a", { a: 5 });

// Get from cache (async)
const obj = await broker.cacher.get("mykey.a")

// Remove entry from cache

// Clean all 'mykey' entries

// Clean all entries

Additionally, the complete ioredis client API is available at broker.cacher.client when using the built-in Redis cacher:

// create an ioredis pipeline
const pipeline = broker.cacher.client.pipeline();
// set values in cache
pipeline.set('mykey.a', 'myvalue.a');
pipeline.set('mykey.b', 'myvalue.b');
// execute pipeline

Clear cache

When you create a new model in your service, sometimes you have to clear the old cached model entries.

Example to clean the cache inside actions

name: "users",
actions: {
create(ctx) {
// Create new user entity
const user = new User(ctx.params);

// Clear all cache entries;

// Clear all cache entries which keys start with `users.`"users.**");

// Clear multiple cache entries[ "users.**", "posts.**" ]);

// Delete an entry"users.list");

// Delete multiple entries[ "users.model:5", "users.model:8" ]);

Clear cache among multiple service instances

The best practice to clear cache entries among multiple service instances is that use broadcast events.


module.exports = {
name: "users",
actions: {
create(ctx) {
// Create new user entity
const user = new User(ctx.params);

// Clear cache

return user;

methods: {
cleanCache() {
// Broadcast the event, so all service instances receive it (including this instance)."cache.clean.users");

events: {
"cache.clean.users"() {
if ( {"users.**");

Clear cache among different services

Common way is that your service depends on other ones. E.g. posts service stores information from users service in cached entries (in case of populating).

Example cache entry in posts service

_id: 1,
title: "My post",
content: "Some content",
author: {
_id: 130,
fullName: "John Doe",
avatar: "https://..."
createdAt: 1519729167666

The author field is received from users service. So if the users service clears cache entries, the posts service has to clear own cache entries, as well. Therefore you should also subscribe to the cache.clear.users event in posts service.

To make it easier, create a CacheCleaner mixin and define in constructor the dependent services.


module.exports = function(serviceNames) {
const events = {};

serviceNames.forEach(name => {
events[`cache.clean.${name}`] = function() {
if ( {
this.logger.debug(`Clear local '${}' cache`);`${}.*`);

return {


const CacheCleaner = require("./cache.cleaner.mixin");

module.exports = {
name: "posts",
mixins: [CacheCleaner([

actions: {

With this solution if the users service emits a cache.clean.users event, the posts service will also clear the own cache entries.

Cache locking

Moleculer also supports cache locking feature. For detailed info check the PR

Enable Lock

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
ttl: 60,
lock: true, // Set to true to enable cache locks. Default is disabled.

Enable with TTL

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
ttl: 60,
lock: {
ttl: 15, // The maximum amount of time you want the resource locked in seconds
staleTime: 10, // If the TTL is less than this number, means that the resources are staled

Disable Lock

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
ttl: 60,
lock: {
enable: false, // Set to false to disable.
ttl: 15, // The maximum amount of time you want the resource locked in seconds
staleTime: 10, // If the TTL is less than this number, means that the resources are staled

Example for Redis cacher with redlock library

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
type: "Redis",
options: {
// Prefix for keys
prefix: "MOL",
// set Time-to-live to 30sec.
ttl: 30,
// Turns Redis client monitoring on.
monitor: false,
// Redis settings
redis: {
host: "redis-server",
port: 6379,
password: "1234",
db: 0
lock: {
ttl: 15, //the maximum amount of time you want the resource locked in seconds
staleTime: 10, // If the TTL is less than this number, means that the resources are staled
// Redlock settings
redlock: {
// Redis clients. Support node-redis or ioredis. By default will use the local client.
clients: [client1, client2, client3],
// the expected clock drift; for more details
// see
driftFactor: 0.01, // time in ms

// the max number of times Redlock will attempt
// to lock a resource before erroring
retryCount: 10,

// the time in ms between attempts
retryDelay: 200, // time in ms

// the max time in ms randomly added to retries
// to improve performance under high contention
// see
retryJitter: 200 // time in ms

Built-in cachers

Memory cacher

MemoryCacher is a built-in memory cache module. It stores entries in the heap memory.

Enable memory cacher

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: "Memory"


const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: true

Enable with options

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
type: "Memory",
options: {
ttl: 30 // Set Time-to-live to 30sec. Disabled: 0 or null
clone: true // Deep-clone the returned value


Name Type Default Description
ttl Number null Time-to-live in seconds.
clone Boolean or Function false Clone the cached data when return it.
keygen Function null Custom cache key generator function.
maxParamsLength Number null Maximum length of params in generated keys.


The cacher uses the lodash _.cloneDeep method for cloning. To change it, set a Function to the clone option instead of a Boolean.

Custom clone function with JSON parse & stringify

const broker = new ServiceBroker({ 
cacher: {
type: "Memory",
options: {
clone: data => JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data))

Redis cacher

RedisCacher is a built-in Redis based distributed cache module. It uses ioredis library.
Use it, if you have multiple instances of services because if one instance stores some data in the cache, other instances will find it.

Enable Redis cacher

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: "Redis"

With connection string

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: "redis://redis-server:6379"

With options

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
type: "Redis",
options: {
// Prefix for keys
prefix: "MOL",
// set Time-to-live to 30sec.
ttl: 30,
// Turns Redis client monitoring on.
monitor: false
// Redis settings
redis: {
host: "redis-server",
port: 6379,
password: "1234",
db: 0

With MessagePack serializer

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
nodeID: "node-123",
cacher: {
type: "Redis",
options: {
ttl: 30,

// Using MessagePack serializer to store data.
serializer: "MsgPack",

redis: {
host: "my-redis"

With Redis Cluster Client

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: {
type: "Redis",
options: {
ttl: 30,

cluster: {
nodes: [
{ port: 6380, host: "" },
{ port: 6381, host: "" },
{ port: 6382, host: "" }
options: { /* More information: */ }


Name Type Default Description
prefix String null Prefix for generated keys.
ttl Number null Time-to-live in seconds. Disabled: 0 or null
monitor Boolean false Enable Redis client monitoring feature. If enabled, every client operation will be logged (on debug level)
redis Object null Custom Redis options. Will be passed to the new Redis() constructor. Read more.
keygen Function null Custom cache key generator function.
maxParamsLength Number null Maximum length of params in generated keys.
serializer String null Name of a built-in serializer. Default: "JSON"
cluster Object null Redis Cluster client configuration. More information

To be able to use this cacher, install the ioredis module with the npm install ioredis --save command.

LRU memory cacher

LRU memory cacher is a built-in LRU cache module. It deletes the least-recently-used items.

Enable LRU cacher

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: "MemoryLRU"

With options

let broker = new ServiceBroker({
logLevel: "debug",
cacher: {
type: "MemoryLRU",
options: {
// Maximum items
max: 100,
// Time-to-Live
ttl: 3

To be able to use this cacher, install the lru-cache module with the npm install lru-cache --save command.

Custom cacher

Custom cache module can be created. We recommend to copy the source of MemoryCacher or RedisCacher and implement the get, set, del and clean methods.

Create custom cacher

const BaseCacher = require("moleculer").Cachers.Base;

class MyCacher extends BaseCacher {
get(key) { /*...*/ }
set(key, data, ttl) { /*...*/ }
del(key) { /*...*/ }
clean(match = "**") { /*...*/ }

Use custom cacher

const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
const MyCacher = require("./my-cacher");

const broker = new ServiceBroker({
cacher: new MyCacher()