Moleculer is an open source MIT licensed project. It is free to use for your personal and commercial projects. However, developing it takes up all our free time to make it better and better on a daily basis. If you like Moleculer framework, please support our efforts.
Once you decide to support us, please:
- set up a recurring monthly donation on Github Sponsors or on Patreon or on Open Collective and you will get exciting news about what works on (things that I share with supporters only) or
- make a one-time donation via PayPal.
Other ways to support us:
- make additional modules & services to Moleculer. We have a wishlist.
- help with documentation. Fix typos, fill missing sections or add more examples.
- promote Moleculer framework. Write Medium articles or blog posts about why Moleculer is an excellent microservices framework. Share your positive experience with potential users to make Moleculer community more vivid.
Be an atom to build the Molecule stronger! Thank you in advance!
Github & Patreon sponsors
Diamond sponsors ($1000)
Platinum sponsors ($500)
Gold sponsors ($100)
Silver backers ($50)
Bronze backers ($20)
Copper backers ($10)
Open Collective backers & sponsors
Diamond sponsors
Gold sponsors
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [How to contribute]