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API Gateway

moleculer-web npm

The moleculer-web is the official API gateway service for Moleculer framework. Use it to publish your services.


  • support HTTP & HTTPS
  • serve static files
  • multiple routes
  • support Connect-like middlewares in global-level, route-level and alias-level.
  • alias names (with named parameters & REST routes)
  • whitelist
  • multiple body parsers (json, urlencoded)
  • CORS headers
  • Rate limiter
  • before & after call hooks
  • Buffer & Stream handling
  • middleware mode (use as a middleware with Express)
  • support authorization


npm i moleculer-web


Run with default settings

This example uses API Gateway service with default settings.
You can access all services (including internal $node.) via http://localhost:3000/

let { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
let ApiService = require("moleculer-web");

let broker = new ServiceBroker({ logger: console });

// Load API Gateway

// Start server

Example URLs:

  • Call test.hello action: http://localhost:3000/test/hello

  • Call math.add action with params: http://localhost:3000/math/add?a=25&b=13

  • Get health info of node: http://localhost:3000/~node/health

  • List all actions: http://localhost:3000/~node/actions


If you don’t want to publish all actions, you can filter them with whitelist option.
You can use match strings or regexp in list.

mixins: [ApiService],

settings: {
routes: [{
path: "/api",

whitelist: [
// Access any actions in 'posts' service
// Access call only the `users.list` action
// Access any actions in 'math' service


You can use alias names instead of action names. You can also specify the method. Otherwise it will handle every method types.

Using named parameters in aliases is possible. Named parameters are defined by prefixing a colon to the parameter name (:name).

mixins: [ApiService],

settings: {
routes: [{
aliases: {
// Call `auth.login` action with `GET /login` or `POST /login`
"login": "auth.login"

// Restrict the request method
"POST users": "users.create",

// The `name` comes from named param.
// You can access it with `` in action
"GET greeter/:name": "test.greeter",

The named parameter is handled with path-to-regexp module. Therefore you can use optional and repeated parameters as well.

You can also create RESTful APIs.

mixins: [ApiService],

settings: {
routes: [{
aliases: {
"GET users": "users.list",
"GET users/:id": "users.get",
"POST users": "users.create",
"PUT users/:id": "users.update",
"DELETE users/:id": "users.remove"

For REST routes you can also use this simple shorthand alias:

mixins: [ApiService],

settings: {
routes: [{
aliases: {
"REST users": "users"

To use this shorthand alias you need to create a service which has list, get, create, update and remove actions.

You can make use of custom functions within the declaration of aliases.

mixins: [ApiService],

settings: {
routes: [{
aliases: {
"POST upload"(req, res) {
this.parseUploadedFile(req, res);

You have some internal pointer in req & res to some important instances:

  • req.$ctx are pointed to request context.
  • req.$service & res.$service is pointed to the service instance.
  • req.$route & res.$route is pointed to the route definition.
  • req.$params is pointed to the resolved parameters (from query string & post body)
  • req.$alias is pointed to the alias definition.
  • req.$endpoint is pointed to the resolved action endpoint. It contains action and nodeID.

E.g., if you would like to access the broker, use req.$ path.

Mapping policy

The route has a mappingPolicy property to handle routes without aliases.

Available options:

  • all - enable to request all routes with or without aliases (default)
  • restrict - enable to request only the routes with aliases.
mixins: [ApiService],

settings: {
routes: [{
mappingPolicy: "restrict",
aliases: {
"POST add": "math.add"

You can’t request the /math.add or /math/add URLs, only POST /add.


It supports Connect-like middlewares in global-level, route-level & alias-level. Signature: function(req, res, next) {...}.


mixins: [ApiService],
settings: {
// Global middlewares. Applied to all routes.
use: [

routes: [
path: "/",

// Route-level middlewares.
use: [


serveStatic(path.join(__dirname, "public"))

aliases: {
"GET /secret": [
// Alias-level middlewares.
"top.secret" // Call the `top.secret` action

Serve static files

It serves assets with the serve-static module like ExpressJS.

mixins: [ApiService],

settings: {
assets: {
// Root folder of assets
folder: "./assets",

// Further options to `server-static` module
options: {}

Calling options

The route has a callOptions property which is passed to So you can set timeout, retryCount or fallbackResponse options for routes. Read more about calling options

mixins: [ApiService],

settings: {
routes: [{

callOptions: {
timeout: 500,
retryCount: 0,
fallbackResponse(ctx, err) { ... }


Multiple routes

You can create multiple routes with different prefix, whitelist, alias, calling options & authorization.

mixins: [ApiService],

settings: {
routes: [
path: "/admin",

authorization: true,

whitelist: [
path: "/",

whitelist: [


You can implement authorization. For this you have to do 2 things.

  1. Set authorization: true in your routes
  2. Define the authorize method of service.

Example authorization

const E = require("moleculer-web").Errors;

mixins: [ApiService],

settings: {
routes: [{
// First thing
authorization: true

methods: {
// Second thing
authorize(ctx, route, req, res) {
// Read the token from header
let auth = req.headers["authorization"];
if (auth && auth.startsWith("Bearer")) {
let token = auth.slice(7);

// Check the token
if (token == "123456") {
// Set the authorized user entity to `ctx.meta`
ctx.meta.user = { id: 1, name: "John Doe" };
return Promise.resolve(ctx);

} else {
// Invalid token
return Promise.reject(new E.UnAuthorizedError(E.ERR_INVALID_TOKEN));

} else {
// No token
return Promise.reject(new E.UnAuthorizedError(E.ERR_NO_TOKEN));


You can find a more detailed role-based JWT authorization example in full example.

Route hooks

The route has before & after call hooks. You can use it to set ctx.meta, access req.headers or modify the response data.

mixins: [ApiService],

settings: {
routes: [
path: "/",

onBeforeCall(ctx, route, req, res) {
// Set request headers to context meta
ctx.meta.userAgent = req.headers["user-agent"];

onAfterCall(ctx, route, req, res, data) {
// Async function which return with Promise
return doSomething(ctx, res, data);

Error handlers

You can add route-level & global-level custom error handlers.

In handlers, you must call the res.end. Otherwise, the request is unhandled.

mixins: [ApiService],
settings: {

routes: [{
path: "/api",

// Route error handler
onError(req, res, err) {
res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");

// Global error handler
onError(req, res, err) {
res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
res.end("Global error: " + err.message);

CORS headers

You can use CORS headers in Moleculer-Web service.


const svc = broker.createService({
mixins: [ApiService],

settings: {

// Global CORS settings for all routes
cors: {
// Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Origin CORS header.
origin: "*",
// Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Methods CORS header.
methods: ["GET", "OPTIONS", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"],
// Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Headers CORS header.
allowedHeaders: [],
// Configures the Access-Control-Expose-Headers CORS header.
exposedHeaders: [],
// Configures the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials CORS header.
credentials: false,
// Configures the Access-Control-Max-Age CORS header.
maxAge: 3600

routes: [{
path: "/api",

// Route CORS settings (overwrite global settings)
cors: {
origin: ["http://localhost:3000", "https://localhost:4000"],
methods: ["GET", "OPTIONS", "POST"],
credentials: true

Rate limiter

The Moleculer-Web has a built-in rate limiter with a memory store.


const svc = broker.createService({
mixins: [ApiService],

settings: {
rateLimit: {
// How long to keep record of requests in memory (in milliseconds).
// Defaults to 60000 (1 min)
window: 60 * 1000,

// Max number of requests during window. Defaults to 30
limit: 30,

// Set rate limit headers to response. Defaults to false
headers: true,

// Function used to generate keys. Defaults to:
key: (req) => {
return req.headers["x-forwarded-for"] ||
req.connection.remoteAddress ||
req.socket.remoteAddress ||
//StoreFactory: CustomStore

Custom Store example

class CustomStore {
constructor(window, opts) {
this.hits = new Map();
this.resetTime = + clearPeriod;

setInterval(() => {
this.resetTime = + clearPeriod;
}, clearPeriod);

* Increment the counter by key
* @param {String} key
* @returns {Number}
inc(key) {
let counter = this.hits.get(key) || 0;
this.hits.set(key, counter);
return counter;

* Reset all counters
reset() {

ExpressJS middleware usage

You can use Moleculer-Web as a middleware in an ExpressJS application.


const svc = broker.createService({
mixins: [ApiService],

settings: {
middleware: true

// Create Express application
const app = express();

// Use ApiGateway as middleware

// Listening

// Start server

Full service settings

List of all settings of Moleculer Web service:

settings: {

// Exposed port
port: 3000,

// Exposed IP
ip: "",

// HTTPS server with certificate
https: {
key: fs.readFileSync("ssl/key.pem"),
cert: fs.readFileSync("ssl/cert.pem")

// Middleware mode (for ExpressJS)
middleware: false,

// Exposed global path prefix
path: "/api",

// Global-level middlewares
use: [

// Logging request parameters with 'info' level
logRequestParams: "info",

// Logging response data with 'debug' level
logResponseData: "debug"

// Routes
routes: [
// Path prefix to this route (full path: /api/admin )
path: "/admin",

// Whitelist of actions (array of string mask or regex)
whitelist: [

// Call the `this.authorize` method before call the action
authorization: true,

// Route-level middlewares
uses: [

// Action aliases
aliases: {
"POST users": "users.create",
"health": "$"

mappingPolicy: "all",

// Use bodyparser module
bodyParsers: {
json: true,
urlencoded: { extended: true }
// Path prefix to this route (full path: /api )
path: "",

// Whitelist of actions (array of string mask or regex)
whitelist: [

// No authorization
authorization: false,

// Action aliases
aliases: {
"add": "math.add",
"GET sub": "math.sub",
"POST divide": "math.div",
"GET greeter/:name": "test.greeter",
"GET /": "test.hello",
"POST upload"(req, res) {
this.parseUploadedFile(req, res);

mappingPolicy: "restrict",

// Use bodyparser module
bodyParsers: {
json: false,
urlencoded: { extended: true }

// Calling options
callOptions: {
timeout: 3000,
fallbackResponse: "Static fallback response"

// Call before ``
onBeforeCall(ctx, route, req, res) {
ctx.meta.userAgent = req.headers["user-agent"];

// Call after `` and before send back the response
onAfterCall(ctx, route, req, res, data) {
res.setHeader("X-Custom-Header", "123456");

// Route error handler
onError(req, res, err) {
res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
res.writeHead(err.code || 500);
res.end("Route error: " + err.message);

// Folder to server assets (static files)
assets: {
// Root folder of assets
folder: "./examples/www/assets",

// Options to `server-static` module
options: {}
// Global error handler
onError(req, res, err) {
res.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
res.writeHead(err.code || 500);
res.end("Global error: " + err.message);


  • Simple

    • simple gateway with default settings.
  • SSL server

    • open HTTPS server
    • whitelist handling
  • WWW with assets

    • serve static files from the assets folder
    • whitelist
    • aliases
    • multiple body-parsers
  • Authorization

    • simple authorization demo
    • set the authorized user to Context.meta
  • REST

    • simple server with RESTful aliases
    • example posts service with CRUD actions
  • Express

    • webserver with Express
    • use moleculer-web as a middleware

    • start websocket server
    • call action and send back the response via websocket
    • send Moleculer events to the browser via websocket
  • Full

    • SSL
    • static files
    • middlewares
    • multiple routes with different roles
    • role-based authorization with JWT
    • whitelist
    • aliases with named params
    • multiple body-parsers
    • before & after hooks
    • metrics, statistics & validation from Moleculer
    • custom error handlers
  • Webpack

    • Webpack development environment for client-side developing
    • webpack config file
    • compression
    • static file serving
  • Webpack-Vue

    • Webpack+Vue development environment for VueJS client developing
    • webpack config file
    • Hot-replacement
    • Babel, SASS, SCSS, Vue SFC