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Moleculer has some built-in Error. You can use it when you raise an error in services.

Base error classes


The base error class.


Name Type Default Description
message String Error message
code Number 500 Error code
type String Error type
data any Any relevant data


const { MoleculerError } = require("moleculer").Errors;

throw new MoleculerError("Something happened", 501, "ERR_SOMETHING", { a: 5, nodeID: "node-666" }));


Error for retryable errors. It uses in The broker retries requests if they rejected a MoleculerRetryableError.


Name Type Default Description
message String Error message
code Number 500 Error code
type String Error type
data any Any relevant data


const { MoleculerRetryableError } = require("moleculer").Errors;

throw new MoleculerRetryableError("Some retryable thing happened", 501, "ERR_SOMETHING", { a: 5, nodeID: "node-666" }));


Error for retryable server errors. Parameters are same as MoleculerRetryableError.


Error for client error which is not retryable. Parameters are same as MoleculerRetryableError.

Internal error classes


Throw it if you call a not registered service action.
Error code: 404
Retryable: true

Data properties

Name Type Description
action String Action name
nodeID String Node ID. It has value only at direct call.


Throw it if you call a currently unavailable service action. E.g. nodes disconnected which contains this service or circuit breaker opened.
Error code: 404
Retryable: true

Data properties

Name Type Description
action String Action name
nodeID String Node ID. It has value only at direct call.


Throw it if your is timed out.
Error code: 504
Retryable: true

Data properties

Name Type Description
action String Action name
nodeID String Node ID. It has value only at direct call.


Throw it if your nested call is skipped because the execution is timed out.
Error code: 514
Retryable: false

Data properties

Name Type Description
action String Action name
nodeID String Node ID. It has value only at direct call.


Throw it if your nested calls reached the maxCallLevel value (to avoid infinite calling loops).
Error code: 500
Retryable: false

Data properties

Name Type Description
level Number Current calling level


Validator throws it if the calling parameters are not valid.
Error code: 422
Retryable: false


Throw it if your service schema is not valid.
Error code: 500
Retryable: false


Throw it if an old nodeID connected with older protocol version.
Error code: 500
Retryable: false

Data properties

Name Type Description
nodeID String Node ID. It has value only at direct call.
actual String Actual version
received String Received version from node